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100_0314 * Rev. Dwight Bailey, Austin Boulevard Christian Church, President Community of Congregations * 3264 x 2448 * (2.27MB)

100_0307 * Dr. Donna Carroll, Pres. Dominican University, Keynote Speaker * 2669 x 1920 * (1.62MB)

100_0310 * 3124 x 2207 * (970KB)

100_0312.jpg - 3264 x 2448 - (1.17MB)
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1/22/07 1:03 PM
100_0313 * Donna Carroll * 3264 x 2448 * (989KB)

100_0317 * Jane Wood. Administrative Secretary, Unity Temple * 3264 x 2448 * (2.23MB)

100_0318 * Patricia Koko, St. Catherine-St. Lucy * 3264 x 2448 * (2.1MB)

100_0316 * Will Rutt, President of 10,000 Villages of Oak Park
 * 3264 x 2448 * (2.35MB)

100_0320 * Joyce Marco, Unity Temple * 2448 x 3264 * (1.94MB)

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Photos by Rev. Ed Hiestand, Web Design by Len Grossman Copyright 2007