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Comment: Leonard Grossman, West Suburban Temple Har Zion, Past Presdent,
100_0320 * Joyce Marco, Unity Temple * 2448 x 3264 * (1.94MB)

100_0323 * Rev. Vickie  Hadaway, Cornerstone United Methodist, Treasurer and Wendy Daniels, Bookkeeper, Judson Baptist Church * 3264 x 2448 * (2.42MB)

100_0325 * Kathy Russell, Fair Oaks Presbyterian, Vice President and Charles Muhammed, Muslim Association of OP * 2448 x 3264 * (3.53MB)

100_0315 * Sylvia Menninga, Co-ordinator of CROP Walk * 3264 x 2448 * (1.7MB)

100_0319 * Marge Todd * 2448 x 3264 * (2.21MB)

100_0305.jpg - 3264 x 2448 - (2.87MB)
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1/19/07 8:57 AM
100_0321 * Closing Circle * 3264 x 2448 * (2.12MB)

100_0322 * Closing Circle * 3264 x 2448 * (1.28MB)

100_0326 * Community of Congregations 2007 Executive Board * 3264 x 2448 * (3.04MB)

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