This letter was written a couple of days after Thanksgiving, 1936, which was earlier that year. But because it mentions Thanksgiving and has exciting news, I am taking the liberty of posting it today. Trudel did give her family a few days more warning than it seems.
11/23/1936 Good news: Last night we decided to get married on Saturday the 5th. No big fuss, just by a judge, a civil wedding. As long as I have no family here I thought it was ridiculous to have a big reception and Leonard agreed with me.
To start I will move into the Devonshire Hotel with Leonard. I will keep my business for the time being.
Thursday we had an excellent Thanksgiving dinner at Weils.
The following story appeared in a Chicago paper the next week.
For the story behind the headline see Trudel’s letter dated August 31, 1935 .
2 Responses to Thanksgiving 1936 – Last night we decided to get married on the 5th.