Tag Archives: World’s Fair

July 3, 1934 “Tomorrow is a big holiday here – 4th of July”

July 3, 1934 “Tomorrow is a big holiday here – 4th of July”

July 3rd, 1934

My dear ones!

First of all, in Uncle’s name thanks for the ammonia cough drops.

Did one of you inquire at Leon Meyer about those little pins? The one I gave Auntie she wears all the time and could sell it many times during the day.

As I told you previously she is in charge of a costume jewelry store at the Fair.

I hope to be able to start working next week. On Friday I have to call my future boss again to make sure. So many newcomers have not found jobs yet.

On Saturday and yesterday I assisted Auntie a little. Actually I kept myself very busy. She introduced me to a German man who took me 10 min. later for coffee and in the evening Hans K. picked me up.

Chicago Theater - 1932

First we went to the Excellent film and show in a beautiful building, Chicago’s biggest and best movie house. The show was 3 hours. Then we went to a great restaurant to eat and dance. Such funny places you cannot imagine and you really get your money’s worth. I did not get home until 2 a.m.

Last week I went swimming 2 times. The water is pretty dirty but in this heat it is a wonderful way to cool off at least temporary.


Lotte (Doddo)7 Adler, one of Trudel's Sisters

How was Doddo’s birthday without me?

My English is still very bad. I would like to read a newspaper but if nobody helps me I won’t understand anything anyhow. So I only read the German paper.

Sunday I was at Weil’s who just had heard a speech by [Joseph] Goebbels on the radio. Too bad I did not get there in time to hear it too.*

In the evening we took a walk along the lake. At night the view from there is really wonderful. Yesterday at the Fair I was looking for a witness of Henny’s accident from Düsseldorf. We spent about 1½ hrs talking together. Later in the evening we met at my favorite place, the Canadian Club Cafe, including Henny and Opa Kösterlitz. Opa tries to see me once every day. He, like all the others are much too good to me. His son Hans is out of town for 1 week.

Tomorrow is a big holiday here – 4th of July. Uncle, Opa and I will probably go to the fair where they expect a very, very big crowd.

I registered for my 1st papers and hope to get them this week. It cost $5 but in contrast I bought for only 10¢ a bottle of Cutex nail polish remover and a very big box of face powder for only 72¢. Today it is nice and cool, thank G’d.

Fair at night

Lakefront at night.

Love and kisses.


*The radio speech to which Trudel refers is one in which Joseph Goebbels defended the actions of he NAZIs during “The Night of the Long Knives,” a purge that was a major event in Hitler’s rise to power. This demonstrates Trudel’s continuing attention to what was happening in Germany.

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July 10, 1934. “You probably notice that almost everything here is described as biggest and best.”

July 10, 1934. “You probably notice that almost everything here is described as biggest and best.”

July 10th

My very dear Goldchildren!

So tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock I shall start [work]. It’s high time my life would get on a schedule again. Just please hold your thumbs that I know enough and they keep me.

Thank Doddo for that very long detailed letter. You must be awfully busy to find time to write such a long letter. I really appreciate it. That letter was the first one that was officially opened. Thanks also for the photos.

When I showed Julius that nice portrait of myself he did not want to give it back to me, but would have liked to hang it in his office. Can you beat that.

I wonder if I ever get around to putting my photos in an album. Thanks too for the address from Miss Samuels. I will try to call her next week. Please add my best wishes to all weddings, engagements, birthdays etc.

I still have not found any catalogues for Lu.

Also I have been at the Worlds Fair 8 times. I always help Henny a little and for that I get a pass for nothing and can go there anytime.

Too bad Lou did not exhibit here, I am sure he could have made a Lot of money. That man from Dusseldorf is very busy with his line of cookware. Last Friday I had a date with him but have already enough of him.

Sky Ride

Sky Ride

On Thursday I finally met my Cousin Martin Seckbach. I knew he would be in town and I went to the house, owned by the Bus Co., where he lives. When the 2nd Greyhound bus came with 2 chauffers I talked to 1 and it was the right fellow. He sent somebody to keep me company until he came ½ hr later and we went together to the Fair. He is quite nice, has a pass for admission too and even does not have to pay for most of the rides in the amusement park. First we went on the skyride. Great.

After visiting Henny we had a very good Chinese supper and met there a friend of his so we then went around 3 of us together. Then on a big Loop de Loop or what you call it. Then on a giant Ferris Wheel. We also had to go on a real enormous slide and could not leave without a boat ride all around the exhibit. And then a ride I had never heard of–Fying Turns. You get into 1 of those little boxes and that thing races around like mad. Up and down and twirling around itself. It’s hard to describe but I enjoyed it so much that we did it twice.

Flying Turns

Flying Turns

We made another date for last night but he never showed up although I waited from 7-10 p.m. for him. Now he can wait a long time before I make another date with him although I had enjoyed that evening with him very much.

He even had invited me to go with him by bus to Lima, Ohio and then back with his own car for 3 to 4 days to visit his brother who lives with his girlfriend and family there. Nobody knows if they are married or not. Also Aunt Henny gave me permission to go with him, I declined with thanks.


Interior of Marshall Fields

If you have any China figures you do not think you want to keep anymore send them to me. We have already customers for that junk. I gave myself a special treat today. I walked for 1½ hrs around Marshall Fields the biggest dept. store in the world. I never saw so many beautiful things together in every dept. It is almost like a museum.

Have you found a new apt. yet? Where, How and What?

Have not heard from any of my boat companions anymore.

My wristwatch is broken and not worth fixing. Uncle gave me one of his. Aunt Henny gave me a wristband to go with it.

Marshall Fields

Marshall Fields

I am very happy with my down comforter. They are awfully expensive here. Well, as mentioned before we are living in a so called 3 room apt. on the 2nd floor above a tavern and a grocery store and the rent is $25 a week, including electric, gas and heat. The curly hairdos are out of style already. I haven’t had my hair cut since I left home.

If the movie 20 Million Sweethearts should come you will hear the melody which at this time is driving me nuts. You hear it all the time and everywhere.

I surely would appreciate come butter cookies. The Sal-Ammonia pills helped Henny get over a very bad sore throat and she too thanks you very much.

Swift Bridge

Concert at the Swift Bridge

Last Wednesday and Saturday spent most of my time at the Fair. Mostly I sit on the Swift Bridge and listen to beautiful concerts. The bridge belongs to the biggest parking company. And the free concerts are by the biggest and best orchestra. You probably notice that almost everything here is described as biggest and best.

Sunday I was again with Uncle and Opa at a German affair [comment I really hated those affairs since I was trying to get away from everything German. They could not understand that.] It was called A Day in Heidelberg, a picnic at a very large amusement park 1½ hr ride on the streetcar each way. Next week I am going to refuse.

Today I bought a 3 piece knit suit at Hans’s factory for $2 and he took me out for lunch.

Sure wish you could see me at the fair. The red dress I bought in N.Y., a red tam very much on one side of the head, long red earrings, and pretty much makeup. Henny tells all the customers that I just came from Paris, do not know much English and then she talks German to me. We have been laughing tears. My job there is to look attractive and watch that nothing is stolen. I even sold already for $1.25.

Lots of love and kisses from your very lucky Trudel.

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July 26, 1934 “One night I went up on the roof with a folding chair, a pillow and a blanket.”

July 26, 1934 “One night I went up on the roof with a folding chair, a pillow and a blanket.”

July 26, 1934

My very dear ones.

Well, the main thing is that everything has finally arrived and I hope Doddo and Liss liked them.

Today I mailed you a book from the Fair and today I am enclosing 4 snapshots. On one of them I am wearing the yellow knit suit I bought at Hans K.

The others will give you a little idea what a nice workplace I have, altho I am sitting at home again since a few days since there was no work at all. Gus Bing, Uncle’s nephew, promised to call me as soon as they get some orders. He sends regards to Alex.

I received already my first paycheck of $12.85. All work is paid by check. Since I work so slowly the check was not very big. I think I told you that this is a factory of very elegant hats but piecework. I hope I learn to work faster so I can earn more money. Gus thinks I will but should continue to work as well as I do.

Actually this is a beautiful light clean large workroom. On arrival and leaving we punch a time clock. No work on Sat. or Sun.

RCA Radio

RCA Radio - Introduced in 1934

In the afternoon they turn on the radio. At first I could not imagine from where the hollow voice was coming. Frequently we hear concerts.

We are interrupted by people who come in to sell sewing needles or to sharpen scissors. Every afternoon comes a man to sell ice cream, which was very welcome in that miserable heat we had until today.

Actually one can all over on street corners drink water from a fountain just like hoses. Actually they have faucets where the water goes up instead of running down. You cannot picture it. You bend down over it and the water goes right into your mouth. We even have one of these fountains with ice cold water in our workroom. It sure comes handy in that heat. I will try and take a photo once when somebody is drinking.

I cannot tell you how much ice cream and cold drinks I put into me this last week. Now I can understand how people can get a heat stroke.

On Sunday I had to go again to a German picnic. We had to wait for 1 hr for a bus and we almost fainted. It was 95 degrees in the shade. In this heat I cannot eat much and not sleep hardly at all.

1 night I went up on the roof with a folding chair, a pillow and a blanket. It was great up there and I slept well for 1½ hrs. Then I wanted to turn around and the chair collapsed under me. So I had to go back downstairs.

Most nights I would get up every so often and sit by the open window where there was at a least a little breeze once in a while. Last night I moved my bed so my head is right by the window.

Longest Bar

Subway Cafe - "The longest Bar in the World"

One evening last week we went bumming. After work I went to the Fair where at 9:00 p.m. Opa and a niece picked me up. Then we met a friend of the niece who drove us with his car to the greatest bar in the world. That bar counter is so long you cannot see the end of it. And behind it a lot of mirrors to make it look even bigger. Just like in the movie Wonder Bar with Al Jolson. Hope you can see that when it comes to you. Of course we did not sit at the bar but at a little table. It was again a nice evening and I did not get home until 2 a.m.

On Monday night Opa and I had dinner at that friend’s [restaurant] One of the nicest restaurants here on the south side. Then we went to see the movie The House of Rothschild. Excellent. On the way home we passed that friend’s restaurant again and his father called us in and the mother asked me to come to visit once in a while. Opa went home and I visited with them for about 3 more hours. I would not have been able to sleep anyhow it was so very hot. It was so comfortable to sit in their air conditioned restaurant.

Air contitioned theater

Keeping Cool

All theatres and restaurants are air conditioned otherwise nobody would go there. After a little drive along the lake the son then drove me home. Lately some restaurants are putting tables and chairs on the sidewalks. I have been in 2 of those so called bier gardens. This is something very new here this year and if there is not a sign in front that it is people just do not know. All they drink here is: beer, soda, lemonade, whiskey, highballs etc.

Harry Ehrlich promised to get me a glass of wine at our next date in a week. He also wants to teach me to drive a car. In spite of the many cars on the street you hear much less horn blowing than at home.

A couple of days ago our young people’s group met and again I was driven home by 2 men and 3 girls. It is getting much easier for me to have a conversation now. Of course when 2 people talk together I cannot follow because they always talk too fast and when 3 ask me something at the same time I have no idea what they want.

Last Saturday I intended to spent some time alone at the Fair, but of course I ran into people I knew. First Opa with his whole big family 3 sons, 1 daughter, 1 son in law and 2 daughters in law only I was missing. So of course I joined them. I knew them all already except for the 2 daughters in law. Hans delivered me at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday afternoon.

I was home alone and Joe Hamburger, Uncle Alfred’s son came by to ask if I wanted to go swimming with him which I did of course. I had just cut out the back of my old bathing suit and wore it right away.

Sears Ad 1934

Sears Dresses on Sale 1934

Yesterday Aunt Henny took a day off. She is really working much too hard.
We went downtown in the afternoon and I bought myself another dress for 59¢. Nothing in front, nothing in back but still too much for this heat.

We then went to the concert at the Fair. My travel companions from Vienna I see every time I go there. The wife and friend work now in an exhibit called “Black Forest”. But since it costs admission I only sneaked in once with my pass. It is one of the busiest exhibits they show fancy ice skating. Very beautiful to watch especially when it is so hot outside.

Black Forest Village at Worlds Fair

Black Forest Village with Ice Skating Show.

I do not know if I can get a pass again for the month of August, so this pleasure will come to an end soon probably. 50¢ is too much to spend for

By the way in 1 of the exhibits is a statue of a big white dog, advertising of the “Voice of his Master”, he says something which I do not understand and moves his mechanical mouth. I recognized it from far away. Doddo, do you remember where we saw one like it? Was it at the big music show?

Yesterday we saw something terrific. 6 mechanical figures of American Presidents. They get up to make speeches into microphones and then sit down again. Fascinating how they work. That is about all I can tell you today.

Animated Presidents

Talking Presidents

What is the matter with our cousin Alice Wolff that she is in the hospital? Ilsa Liederman wrote a funny description of Lore Levy’s engagement.

It seems that some of my cards from the boat never arrived. So now I will go to the drugstore here in the building to eat my lunch being a cantaloupe a la mode, ½ of a melon like fruit with ice cream on top.

So until next time.
Love and Kisses,



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August 5, 1934 “All those little white dots are people . . .”

August 5, 1934 “All those little white dots are people . . .”

Aug 5, 1934

My dear Goldkind:

Yesterday I received your letter dated 7/20 and today one from Ernale dated 7/24 with photos.

So far I have not received the little pins [I asked for in an earlier letter]. I guess they will come some day.

Since Thursday I am working again. We are very busy now and I do not have to worry about being laid off again soon.

Enclosed I am sending a little map of Chicago. Guess this is no better than my drawing. Right? Also I am enclosing a snapshot of myself which one of my travel companions sent me. You can do whatever you want with that little film. One photo should be of a woman drinking water from one of those many fountains on the street like I tried to explain to you in a previous letter.

Hot Summer Days in Grant Park

. . . people just laying on the grass in that heat.

For more explanations to the photos I sent you earlier. On the photo facing south all those little white dots are people either in shirtsleeves or light colored dresses. All just laying on the grass in that heat. On the photo facing north the big square dark thing on the Chevy sign is a big clock which I can see from my seat at work. Photo #3 shows Madison Street running East and West between skyscrapers and dividing the city into north and south.

All streets start with house #1 from there in every direction. The building where I work in is No 14 N. Michigan Ave, and is only 8 floors high. Last week I went to see somebody on the 19th floor [of another building].

Grant Park with Clock

View from Trudel's Work Place, with Chevy Sign

I am having a lot of correspondence now. Today I received an opened letter from Alice and was glad to hear that she is getting better. By the time you get this letter she will hopefully be all o.k. again.

Also today I received a very nice letter from Dr. Salzberger from their vacation and I have to answer: Ellen, Kurt Dielnberg, Eugene Hollander (from the boat) Hans Roos, Ernst Straus, Hamburgers, extra Marion at camp, Ernst Goldschmidt and Herman Weiller. You see I won’t get bored.

Michigan and Madison

Michigan Ave. and Madison Street.

Also this week I started hats for Rose Seckbach, Henny and myself and hope to finish them next week. Just right now I notice Doddo’s kiss on the last letter. A little weak but I could recognize it.

I am very glad you are saving my letters for me. It should be interesting to read them again in 20 yrs or more.

I have not heard from Herbert Pohl in a long time. He wrote me from a trip and I answered him. May be it is that his brother wrote him that he does not know me. I lost Mrs. Brown’s address and cannot find it anywhere. Maybe you can write it to me again.

You know, Bubele, I would love to take all of you to the Canadian Club Cafe once but just the admission to the fair alone is 50¢ each. For the month of August I do not have a pass anymore either. And then we would have to eat or drink something there and unfortunately my billfold is not holding that much yet. Hopefully some time in the future.

Of course I used my pass a lot last month. I could make a good guide by now. My English is getting much better. I can now make people understand what I have to say. I can make a few English phone calls already. I do not feel like taking lessons. My newest boyfriend, Harry Ehrlich, talks and understands very little German fortunately.

Kösterlitz comes from behind Berlin. One nephew is a lawyer. Do you remember a court case about a pupil, “Schöller-Krautz?” He was one of the lawyers in that case.

Now I am very happy to tell you that I have lost 5 lbs and feel very well. Did Ernale lose her rainbow marks again? Aunt Henny is o.k. so far but is working much too hard. I am afraid she will collapse one day if she keeps it up.

How you doing in finding an apartment. That cannot be a pleasure to be apartment hunting if it is as hot as you write.

With the warts I would suggest you go to Bob or wait until it rains 3 days and Papa can try his luck. The wart under my arm I cut off with a piece of thread. During the heat it had gotten very sore. Now it is gone.

Ernale, you were going to give me Justus’s address. I asked my Hungarian travel friend about him. He had heard about his father, a very well known doctor.

I sure hope I too will learn to drive before too long. Hope you do not need to take a driver’s test.

Dillinger Shot

Crowd Gathers at Biograph after Dillinger Shot

Dillinger’s killing was the talk of the town for at least 3 days. Henny’s boss happened to be in the vicinity where it all happened. He went there and dipped a piece of paper in Dillinger’s blood and carries it with him all the time as a good luck charm. That’s America for you!

In the meantime we all followed newspaper reports about Pres. Hindenburg health progress very diligently. He has reached a nice old age.

Right now I am listening to Strauss Waltzes on the radio. That is good music for writing.

The same day I last wrote to you I wrote an additional 8 picture postal cards, 2 reg. postal cards and 2 letters and in spent the evening at Rose’s. The next evening Hans took me again to the Chicago Theatre. Besides a very nice movie we saw the Boxer Max Baer in person on the stage, besides a nice dance group and orchestra. As always an excellent program.

Women in Uniform

Women in Uniform (Original German version)

After eating we went for a walk and he showed me the biggest hotel anywhere. We always go to the theatre before 6:00 p.m. because it is much cheaper than later about half the price. Saturday I went to the Fair in the afternoon and later went with one of my travel companions from Vienna who works at the Fair to see the movie Girls in Uniform. Not especially great. Maybe I did not understand the English well enough.**
Stevens Hotel

World's Largest Hotel

Sunday I left already at 9:00 a.m. with Hans for the Dunes. Also I took a lot of oil with me this time. I got pretty much sunburned again. It was another gorgeous day only we left early to go home, change clothes and he picked me up again to go for dinner and then to the gigantic outdoor stadium called “Soldiers Field” to attend “Jewish Peoples Day”.*

Several very interesting Jewish speakers and singers and dancers. Excellent orchestra. An 11 year old Jewish boy played fantastic violin. I think his name was Isha.* [Possibly Grisha Goluboff? This video made in July, 1934 begins with a lot of noise but may be worth watching. Trudel’s Son.]

Jewish Day Preparations

Preparations for Jewish Day
Hyde Park Herald, July 6, 1934

And the main thing a play called “The Epic of a Nation.” The program included:

  1. Ancient Palestine with a cast of 500 people. The 12 tribes, each in different colors and their different banners, coming in from different sides to meet in the middle of this gigantic stage together. They sang old Jewish songs and joined the orchestra as a chorus.
  2. The Diaspora–they start wandering.
  3. [At] first very happy and everything fine. The Jews give gifts and knowledge, ethics, justice etc. then suddenly everything changes. They are persecuted and have to leave. Their books are burnt. A big pile is being burnt in the middle of the stage while the choir sings Kol Nidre and Kaddish.
  4. Interlude: The orchestra plays a rhapsody depicting the wandering Jews in many different lands.
  5. Again hope and happiness. Singing and dancing with candelabras with burning candles.
  6. The workers of today. Just singing by the choir.
  7. The new Palestine.
  8. Dancing and singing to the tune of America. All come together from all the different lands with many flags from all over.

It was really very beautiful and impressive, only a little too long, the whole pageant was organized by some Jew.

Well, Monday I met Alfred Hamburger and his wife at the Fair. She was reading something and had sent me an invitation. Then I went to the Black Forest exhibit when my Vienna friend has his stand now to cut shadow pictures. Since his wife was sick a friend, Charlie, helped him and I kept them company until 11:30 p.m. Tuesday I did the same only until 11:00 p.m. This Charlie is a real friendly light hearted guy. He wants to take me along when the fun is over but I wouldn’t think of it.

[Comment: Now [when I am translating these letters] I can tell you the reason I went out every night. I just could not stand to be house with Uncle Julius alone. I did not care to cook for him or spend my evenings with this miserable selfish guy and play cards or just listen to his German talking all the time.]

On Wednesday I was again at a movie. This time with Julius’s brother Max, his father-in-law, Isi Kösterlitz and his granddaughter. We saw “Good Dame.” 50-50. You can go to the movies any time of the day or night. It is there comfortable, cool, the time passes quickly and it is rather inexpensive. Yes, the time sure goes fast. 1/4 of a year actually 13 weeks ago I left FFM [Frankfurt am Main]. It seems to me as if it was yesterday–On Thursday I was at Rose’s trying hats.

Good Dame Poster

Good Dame

And yesterday, believe it or not I went to see a movie. “Viva Villa” very good but very exciting. Today it is again awfully hot. As usual I went to the synagogue this morning. I met the Lindheimers from the boat who introduced a Mr. Harlemann from FFM to me. Then I did a little shopping and tried to visit another travel companion who was not home but I spent quite a while with his very nice Aunt with whom he lives very close to us.

Viva Villa

Poster for Viva Villa

For lunch today I had a big order of chocolate ice cream and later a piece of bread and butter and a glass of milk. That is something new. I drink a glass of milk almost every day. Now I have been writing for over 2 hrs on this letter. A good thing you can read faster than I can write. Tonight I may stay home may be. Tomorrow I am going to Weil’s for dinner. It is now 5:45 and your Trudelkind’s stomach is growling very much. It’s been 5½ hrs since lunch. If it is not too hot I will try to bake some butter cookies next Saturday.

So just sending you uncountable greeting and kisses.



*[I can find very little about Jewish People’s Day at the Fair in 1934 but see this article about the celebration of 3000 years of Jewish history in July, 1933. Trudel thought the 11 year old Jewish boy playing violin was named “Isha.” When she translated her letters she wrote that it was Yitzhak Perleman, but he wasn’t born for another ten years. It was most likely Grisha Golub who did play a Stradivarius loaned by Henry Ford at the Fair. I have found conflicting information regarding Goluboff, a prodigy of the period who was probably older than he claimed at the time. The video clip linked above is courtesy of Film Images-Paris Search “Goluboff” in their website for a larger version.]

**[Ironically with one exception, all I can find are references to the original German version of the film, including this Wikipida article and this YouTube with English subtitles. Trudel’s Son.]

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August 14, 1934 “You spread it with salt and butter and eat it right off the cob like a rabbit.”

August 14, 1934  “You spread it with salt and butter and eat it right off the cob like a rabbit.”


My dear goldchildren:

If I remember correctly I promised you to write to you every 2 weeks but I do not want you to have to pay extra postage for my long letters. That’s why I have been writing practically every week.

Well, the pins finally arrived but unfortunately are not the same as I had asked for. These we can get here and much cheaper. But I am sure Henny can sell them anyhow. She can and does sell everything.

After the letter to you last Saturday I wrote 2 more in English. Mr. Hollander, from the boat, answered already and says my English has improved a lot.

The enclosed photo was taken at Weil’s where I was for dinner again on Sunday. Don’t I look real American now?

Eugenie is an excellent cook. Which one of you has ever eaten “corn on the cob?” Well, I have now. This is a very common food here. We only fed the pigs with it. But this is much finer. You throw it into boiling water until the nice yellow kernels are tender, then you spread it with salt and butter and eat it right off the cob like a rabbit. It tastes very good.

Dinner With the Weils 1936

The Weils at Dinner

Another very popular natural food is the puffed rice, or pop corn, I will have to get used to these things I guess. In most bars it is standing on the counter to help yourself as much as you like. Of course it makes one thirsty because they put a lot of salt on it and that makes people drink more.

Much better than this I think is the fact that in every decent restaurant you get a glass of ice water and bread and butter on the table before you even order your meal — Only all the butter is salted.

Another thing I have to get used to. In the evenings I eat my dinner usually in a decent restaurant for 40-50¢ and in for lunch mostly at a cafeteria, where you serve yourself. Not an automat. They have a very long buffet. You start by taking a tray, napkin, fork, knife and spoon and push the tray along a one-way street, along the counter where everything is on individual plates or little bowl and you take whatever looks inviting to you. They are in order by prices. At the end of the counter is bread, rolls and butter and jam and also drinks. You can have a sandwich made too. Then a girl adds up on an adding machine what you have on your tray and you sit down, enjoy your meal, can get more water or add a desert and pay as you leave.

Woolworth's Lunch Counter

A Woolworth's Lunch Counter

Can’t you just see some of our friends? How they would juggle the trays looking for a table. Most people eat lunch between 12-1 and of course it is always very busy at that time. I usually go right in the building on street level in a Woolworth cafeteria. They have individual tables. I do not like the long bar-like tables with high seats. I assure you the dinner at Weil’s was much better than in any restaurant.

Doddo, could you find the recipe for your delicious chocolate cake? Eugenie is always looking for new recipes. She looks it, too.

Papa dear do you remember a brother of Aunt Jenny called Max? A son and a daughter of his live near Chicago and Aunt Jenny has visited them at a few times. I believe neither of them is Jewish any more. The Klees apparently have one son and three daughters here and their business is still going.

I think dear Adolfshe, you would find a lot of old friends here. Not only are there very many Germans here but a lot of them are from Ffm [Frankfurt am Main]. Either born in Ffm or gone to school or worked there. Gus Bing’s sister, her other brother, movie actor Herman Bing and her daughter left again for California today after a 4 week visit. We were there last evening.

The man I work for was there too of course with his future 2nd wife who is the main designer and boss of the workroom. We are a very orthodox company! Could you imagine Stephan Demuth [a “boss” in Germany] taking off his shirt and put on a fresh one in front of all the employees that is nothing unusual here. Also, Gus sits across from his future wife [the employees did not know this yet] and puts his feet on he table.

Mr. Budwig, also is divorced and altho his former wife gave him the money to start this business, he married another woman. I liked Marie, who will hopefully marry Gus, right from the beginning.

Dear Ernale, I have been looking around about leather here but they are using mostly junk. No reptile at all.*

Can you believe that after only one week I already missed going to the fair?

Monday I went for a change to a movie again. “The Thin Man.” And Tuesday again to the fair to my Vienna friends. I really enjoy all the commotion and goings on there.

thin man poster

Poster for "The Thin Man" with William Powell and Myrna Loy

They have three new rides at the park. One of them has seats that look like airplanes for one person. One gets tied on very securely and then it goes around, up and down back and forth, across and back, so one gets into every possible and impossible position imaginable between heaven and earth. Then there is an electric swing like boats and the one I like best is as follows. One sits inside a small camper of course tied on and goes up as high as a Ferris wheel and from there it goes slowly round and about the middle post down. It reminds me of a winding staircase. I have not tried either one of them so far but the fair will be here a few more weeks, and it costs only 7¢ by streetcar to get there.
midway rides at night

Midway Rides at the World's Fair

That is another great thing. For 3 hrs one can ride for 7¢ changing and going everywhere one wants. Of course I usually use the I.C. train which goes much faster and of course costs more.

So far I have taken the elevated train only twice. At one station you can go right into the needlework dept. of Marshall Fields. Everywhere are pigeons flying around. People feed them right in the middle of the main streets. They are very tame. There are loads of them always in the park across from my window at work. This is how I imagine the Marcus Place in Venice.

Elevated Tracks

You can get anywhere on the El.

Sunday I listened on the radio to the Rheingold from Bayreuth. I enjoyed it very much. The weather was not very good and the transmission was not too clear. In the evening I heard a man talk from England as clearly as if he was next to me.

On Monday at the movie I saw pictures of Hindenburg. The funeral was broadcast here too. Papa dear I would very much like some information from you. What caused the death of our grandfather Theodore Stern? I have a reason why I want to know.

How do you like the city map? Can you figure it out? For instance look for East 76th Street. That means 76 streets going south and the east end of that street. That’s where I often sit with Rose at the beach in the evening. Instead of going to the Synagogue tomorrow morning she and I are planning to go there swimming.

From Weils it took me 1 hr to get home also the trains make less stops in the evening. That is about as long as it takes from the theatre in Ffm to Hamburg!

There is also a so-called river going thru Chicago. If a larger boat wants to go thru, one bridge after the other has to open. Since the Chicago River goes thru the middle of the city there are a lot of bridges–on every street one. It looks beautiful especially at night.

Chicago River Bridges

Chicago River Bridges

Please send me a book by Stolze.

I tell everybody the riddle you sent me about the Junebug, but hardly anybody understands it. But I guess you will understand if I say I have now nothing to write anymore. Did you receive the book with pictures from the fair? Doddo apparently helped Poppers addressing thank you cards.

For this week I send you all good wishes and kisses and loads of love.

As always, give my regards to everybody and especially Liss.



*Trudel’s sister, Erna, sometimes referred to as Ernale (er-na-leh), was working in the leather business.

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