April 7, 1935
671 N. Dearborn St.
My Dearest Dear Ones:
Since I forgot my fountain pen and do not see any ink here, I will write this with the silver pencil from Doddo [Trudel’s oldest sister]. It is Sunday afternoon and I am sitting here in the Madison Park Hotel waiting for Leonard. And you want to know what is new here.
Last night we saw a very good movie: “Enter Madame.” By the way, they are always showing pictures of Germany during the news in the movies and in the papers. Last week they showed the “Bockenheimer Warte.” 2 weeks ago there was a picture electronically transmitted, and I immediately said it was printed backwards, because the swastika on Hitler’s shirt sleeve was reversed. Of course I was right. A few days later the same picture in another paper was correct.
Last Friday at Samuels I read the FFM edition of the “Hamburger Family News” and discovered several new news items. For instance that Liebermann and old Hauck have died. I felt really stupid that I did not know about it. You know things like that are still interesting to me, so I do not look too stupid in some company. In that paper I also read something about an orchestra conductor named Wolff. Is he the young man from “Amizitia” living on Eschersheimer Landstrasse?I am very happy in my new job. Several of the girls worked also for Budwig (my first job here). I altered a hat for mother Samuel and she liked it very much. The 2 piece dress I crocheted for Gwen is finally finished and delivered on Wednesday. It looks so nice that I am considering making one for myself.
What would you expect if the menu said: “German Pot Roast”? I was until now always afraid to order it. Now I know what it is actually, and I like it.*
Yesterday I saw something really funny. I was in a grocery store to buy “Lux” soap flakes. There was a young girl, about 15 or 16 years old, in a spring sport coat (it was almost summer weather), no hat, on roller skates, cigarette in her beak, and a fox terrier on a leash. She was shopping too. I really had to laugh.
Talking about the weather, Since I had nothing better to do, I tried on my whole summer wardrobe and gave Mrs. Saunders a fashion show while she washed a few things for me. Then I took 6 pieces of my wardrobe to the cleaners.
Some clothes are really jinxed. I am sure the first time I will wear my green dress after I get it back from cleaning, I will spill something on it. This happens every time. 4 times in a row.
Thursday was such beautiful weather I did not feel like staying home. I walked downtown and after dinner Leonard and I went to a movie again, a very thrilling romance, “Bordertown”. Afterwards, I walked leisurely home again. Click image for YouTube
On Tuesday I was already in bed at 7:30 pm but crocheted until about 10:00 pm. It does not hurt to go to bed early once in a while.
Friday night I dreamed that Ernale [Trudel’s other sister] had a beautiful ring made from Mother’s diamond and pearl brooch. The pretty little gold ring from Aunt Frieda I thought I had lost 2 weeks ago — I found it luckily a week later. I am not wearing it all the time now. Apparently my fingers have gotten thinner and I do not want to lose it for good.
By the time you receive this letter it will be Passover already. Anyway I will eat in a kosher restaurant downtown and try to get some invitations at Samuels. The other Jewish people I know here do not know much about Judaism. Hopefully they will not have to learn it some days, what and who they are.
How are Hedwig and children? And all other friends? Please give everybody my very best regards.
I am sending you herewith the photo I forgot to enclose last time.
Love, Greetings, and Kisses for you,
Your loving daughter & sister
PS We just met Hans Werthan at the restaurant. He sat with us for a few minutes and took again my address and phone number which he had lost. He sends you best regards.
Here is one recipe for German Pot Roast