June 6
Yesterday I went for my citizenship papers. Since I had studied very hard I had no trouble answering all questions. It will be 90 days before I get my papers.
We are now looking for an apartment. In the last 2 weeks we have seen about 50. Some furnished and some unfurnished. So far we can’t make up our minds. What we like is too expensive and what would fit our income we do not like and some places Jews are not welcome (here too).
Sunday we will go to a German frankfurter evening by a sports club, and tomorrow I will go to my first meeting of the Business and Professional Women’s Club. Grace Gray is president. Maybe I wrote you 2 and ½ years ago that I made my first English speech for that group.
Madge and Edith will come to Chicago for 10 days in July. I am very much looking forward to their visit. Aunt Flora will probably come here at the same time.
Erna’s papers should be ready soon.