July 11, 1936
Sitting on the roof of the hotel and it is very hot. Leonard will go to Cleveland next week as a delegate of the “Townsend Party.”*A birthday letter for Leonard arrived by Zeppelin punctually the day before the 4th.**
We have seen several other movies because the theatres are air conditioned, usually 72˚ Fahrenheit which is a blessing in this heat. We always go early before the admission price goes up. Sometimes I go with Trudel Batzner,*** Claire Samuels, or Rose La Marque and of course Leonard, if he can take the time.
Also “Love me Forever” with Grace Moore, and “Public Hero #1.” I dreamt all night about it. Next “Page Miss Glory” – nothing special. Then “Escape me Never” with Elisabeth Bergner. Next “Don’t Bet on Blondes.” Nice. Also “Dante’s Inferno” excellent, but I saw ghosts all night. Next “Frisco Kid” very exciting, but funny in 1 scene (for me) which played in the office of a stock broker. [Frisco Kid was funny to Trudel because her father was a stockbroker.] Then “Broadway Melody” very nice.
Scroll down for clips from some of these movies.
Sometimes we also go to the free excellent concerts in the park right by the lake.
Letter from Leonard typewritten on his office letterhead
July 11, 1936
Dear Father Adler, Lottie and Erna:Many thanks for your lovely birthday letters which arrived via Zeppelin July 3rd. Both Trudel dear and I enjoyed them. Soon after your letter arrived Trudel came into the office, and we read your letters together. At midnight, just as July 4th began, Trudel gave me the loveliest fountain pen. Said she was sorry she could not give me more. It was enough, with her beautiful love. Can you imagine my surprise on arriving home to find a whole table covered with presents from our “Goldkind”?
There was an Angel Food Cake, with 45 on it and 15 candles and 45 flags. It tasted as good as it looked. A lovely belt, handkerchiefs, cigar holder, pajamas, pipe tobacco, and just lots of other lovely gifts, all from darling “Drekbalch”**** But I don’t think that last name fits Trudelchen. Received a birthday card from Henny that was very clever, wires and letters from friends, and we had a lovely birthday dinner at L’Alglon. It is hot here, very hot. We jumped in the lake for a swim last night. Trudel looks stunning in her new and pretty dresses, but like the Goddess Venus in her bathing suit, and she swims like Neptune’s daughter. You know Neptune was the old God of the Sea.
Am leaving the city for one week, and before going wanted this letter to go on to you, thanking you from the bottom of my heart, not only for the letters you each so lovingly sent me, but also for the flower from your family garden, which is the flower of my heart and life, my future wife, Trudel. And this year we will be wed. There is much more to write, but Trudel dear tells me she has written you. She is coming down for the theater now, so I must get ready for her. The air is ice cooled on hot days in our theaters, so it is a good place to spend a hot night.With a heart full of love and thanks to each of you, in which my precious Trudel joins,
Affectionately your son and brother
[Handwritten on reverse:]
Dear Sisters:
Trudel and I are in the Normandie Inn at 1 a.m. Sunday – a.m. is Sunday morning – that is a.m. means morning – after midnight from the Latin ante-meridians.
I just had to open our letter to you for 2 reasons. First each of you are one of the reasons each because your English letters to me were priceless and such letters in English deserve a special thank you. Then there were some wonderful presents Trudel gave me – too many to mention but I must not be silent about the 1) constitution of the United States, 2) the Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4, 1776, the first birthday of our country, 3) President Lincoln’s great Gettysburg Address written in his own handwriting – all beautifully framed for 2 large panels on my office wall – a glorious set of gifts by themselves. And again – a hug and a kiss to each of you for your loving thoughtfulness in writing English.Devotedly your brother,
Scroll below these notes to find links to clips, trailers and complete movies of some of the films mentioned above.
*Dr. Francis Townsend, a soft-spoken doctor with a senior citizens following, preached the Depression could be ended by giving government pensions to people over 60, thus freeing up jobs for unemployed young people. Unfortunately he was eventually co-opted by the infamous Father Charles Coughlin and Gerlald M. K. Smith in their campaign against President Roosevelt’s reelection. See Francis Townsend – The Man with a Plan on the Pardon Power blog, and Where Left Meets Right, by Ron Grossman.
**Leonard’s Birthday was July 4.
***This is Trudel’s first reference to Trudel Nachman, who became her closest and lifelong friend. Sadly, there is no account of how they met.
****”Drekbalch” is what is typed in my father’s letter. Perhaps Trudel used the term to refer humorously to herself or it is a very odd typo. I can’t find a translation.
YouTubes and clips from some of the movies Trudel saw
Rose Marie with Janette MacDonald and and Nelson Eddy
YouTube of the full length film.
Wings over Everest
News clip about the 80th anniversary of Wings Over Everest, with scene from original film.
Trailer for Public Hero #1 Click image.
Escape Me Never 1935
Dante’s Inferno
scene from the 1935 film “Dante’s Inferno,” with Spencer Tracy and Claire Trevor. For more information, visit moviedavid.blogspot.com!
Dante’s Inferno
scene from the 1935 film “Dante’s Inferno,” with Spencer Tracy and Claire Trevor. For more information, visit moviedavid.blogspot.com!
Frisco Kid1935
Broadway Melody 1936
Trailer from the 1936 installment in this series.
Don’t Bet on Blondes
Don’t Bet on Blondes
Click on the image.
3 Responses to July 11, 1936 – Sitting on the roof of the hotel and it is very hot.