671 N. Dearborn
My Dear Dear-ones, golden goldchildren, dirty bums, sweet sugar cookies, and lazy no-writers! Each one of you can pick which name fits best.
It is really unbelievable how fast time goes. This week I had a wonderful time again. On Saturday, I was again at Samuels. Clem had the great idea for me to use rollerskates to go from their house to her sister-in-law’s. Unfortunately, my skirt was too tight. Maybe next time I’ll try to see if I can still rollerskate. Can you picture that?
So, anyway, we played Rummy and it was as usual very gemutlich. Afterwards, I sat in Len’s office until 3:00 a.m. While he was working, I read newspapers, worked crossword puzzles and crocheted. I am really nuts sitting there so long.
On Sunday I was (for a change) tipsy (to put it mildly). At 2:00 p.m. Gwen and Eddy picked me up with their car, to celebrate the 1st anniversary of their acquaintance. At the same time Eddy wanted to talk to one of his clients in a nearby town. But not much became of that. When they picked us up at Leonard’s hotel neither one of us had had any breakfast and were both very hungry. Leonard bought a small bottle of milk, as it is being sold here, and a few cookies which we tried to consume while riding in the car. Of course every time he or I tried to put the bottle to our mouths the car for some reason or other jumped a little. Please do not picture what we both looked like, I would really be ashamed. Well, it tasted good and we were both laughing about it.
Eddy, who had started to drink early in the morning already, was thirsty again, so we stopped about ½ way at a real nice little tavern right on the highway. We were driving west on Roosevelt Road, to have something to drink. During the two hours we stayed there we each had six or eight whiskeys, highballs, etc. We had a real nice time there. When we left I think I was the only one who still knew at all what I myself and the other three were doing. Of course I too was in a very high spirits. Then we drove on.
Eddy stopped at a movie theater, trying to see his client, while Gwen and I went to the washroom. I cannot explain the walk from there to the car. It seemed to me three times as long as it really was. Then Eddy drove us to the restaurant which really was our goal. A beautiful place, very lovely, decorated, elegant, in a very small town, with a great bar. Gwen, who did not know any more what she was doing, sat down at the Bar with a glass while Leonard and I sat at a table nearby. Eddy kept changing between the two. We had a fantastic steak dinner, danced, drank and had a really good time. Anyway, I was very very grateful when they delivered me safe and sound at my house door at 11:30 p.m. after we stopped in the neighborhood for a sandwich and a cup of coffee.The following Wednesday, when I was at Bishops’ as usual, they asked me about several things they could absolutely not remember.
Monday I visited Aunt Henny in her new rooms, just around the corner from where she lived before. I suppose you will write to her again for her birthday. Her new address is Hotel Cerf, 3635 Blackstone, room 8. She only moved because she had no phone on the other place, which is really very important in such a big city.
Tuesday I was for supper at Gus and Marie Bing. They were really awfully nice. Marie is trying to get me in where she is working now, and if it does not work out Gus told me that Budwig (where I worked before) is starting again and I should go to him. Maybe he will take me again. Anyway, I have to wait till next week. Something will work out that I find something better. Now that the new season is starting is the right time to look.
The weather has been so nutty that one does not know how to dress. One day just ice and snow and the next beautiful sunshine.
Last night for a change I was in bed at 9:30 p.m. It was really necessary.
Tonight I will have one of those nice relaxing Shabbos evenings at the Samuels. Tomorrow at Weils. In general I am quite lazy — darn socks, only when I have no more to wear without holes, do my laundry just once a week, also started three or four letters but did not finish. I am crocheting a black skirt for Gwen and carry that with me everywhere I go even if I do not work on it.
For Aunt Henny’s birthday I will make her a brown straw hat and a stand for it. Nobody can understand that I have not had a word from my slster Lotte in three months, and even from Erna in two months. Yes, that is the way it goes. Of course I tell people, well, then I do not have to write to them either!
Last week a lady called me from the new “Immigrants’ Club” but I was not at home. She left her name and phone number. I am really not interested. I feel very happy here without their help. Only if I could get some customers for hats, but I doubt that very much.
The mysterious phone call from two weeks ago has not been cleared yet. By the way, Mr. Arthur Eggener, fiance of Clem Samuels, will probably get in touch with you in the near future. He will come here in in a few weeks and would be glad to bring me some butter cookies. With this I am ending this megilla, with a hearty kiss for each of you. Best regards to all when [they] ask for me.
Your loving daughter and sister,
Gertrude Adler
671 N Dearborn Street.
Phone: Dearborn 5425
Trudel often told of a wild ride out to the Baker Hotel in St. Charles, Illinois. I believe that was the trip she describes in this letter.
9 Responses to March 8, 1935 – I was very very grateful when they delivered me safe and sound at my door.