My dear ones,
This morning I went back home to get writing paper and then I forgot Papa’s letter which I wanted to answer. Trudel! Where are your brains? And there was so much I wanted to answer. Well, next time.
Today is such a beautiful summer day, that one can forget everything else.
I did receive Erna’s postal card from Bergstrasse. It would be gorgeous there in weather like we have here today. I also had a nice letter from Hedwig, telling me about the engagement of Walter Loeb and Elsbeth Haas. How did they get together? Haas are rich friends of Trums.
Papa always claims that I do not answer everything but my sisters do not answer anything. But I am OK anyhow!
Mr. Eggner, Clem Samuel’s fiancé, arrived well and happy here on Monday finally. He only fell out of his bed twice on his trip here. I do not know if he had the lower or upper. I have not talked to him yet but expect to do so tonight. I am nosy to see what is in the package.
Do you remember one year ago today when I spilled the whipped cream in the staircase? I am not sure which day I should celebrate, 5/17 when I arrived in NY or 5/29 when I arrived in Chicago. Aunt Henny thinks I should celebrate both days. As our dear mother used to say: “Celebrate every happy occasion as it comes!”
Since [for the first time in] a long time I heard the Hungarian Rhapsody again on the radio. Of course I danced to it in front of Mrs. Saunders.
Friday I was at Samuels. Two young German fellows, who I had met earlier, were there also.
It took a real big effort, but I finally went again to a dentist. He cleaned my teeth thoroughly and I have an appointment for tomorrow for 2 fillings. Then I took a walk around downtown in my pretty new Easter clothes (paid for mostly by Leonard) in beautiful weather. I bought Leonard a very beautiful black leather briefcase as an Easter present. You see dear Daddy, it all gets paid back. You should know me well enough that I do not expect anything for nothing, and neither do anything for nothing. Did I ever stamp one of your order books without getting 5¢ for each?
Now I am continuing in the streetcar on my way to Samuels. We closed ½ hour earlier today. So I am taking the streetcar instead of the bus, so I can write better.So, Saturday afternoon I stayed home, sewing, washing, manicure, etc. At 6:00 pm I met Gwen and Ed in Leonard’s office. Of course they got married last July. We went for supper and dancing to the Terrace Gardens in the Morrison Hotel, my favorite place, since Leonard took me there on our first date. It is a real nice place. They have an excellent “floor show”: dancing girls, singers, etc. This time they had something extra good. They always have some comic on the program. This man was exceptionally good. Without saying a word, he mimicked a man taking a cold bath on Saturday night. He was excellent. I cannot remember seeing anything that good.
Sunday afternoon we were together with Flora Mae as usual, in wonderful Easter weather. Then we went to the other end of Chicago to Grace Gray for supper. She and her husband are such delightful people. In August they are planning to move to Florida and would like to take both of us along.
Monday night Aunt Henny came downtown and Leonard took us to the kosher restaurant for supper. Of course we enjoyed the food. Afterwards the three of us went to the movies: “Sweet Music,” very enjoyable. At the “week’s revue” they showed a seder at a home of old orthodox people.Tuesday night I made “Easter cleaning.” But I did it a very easy way. Through my window I could see that the room across from mine was empty. So I took all my belongings and moved into that freshly cleaned, sunnier, nicer room. It is 50¢ cheaper a week than the old room. That will pay for a new pair of stockings each week! Mrs Saunders helped me and in three hours we were all finished.
Wednesday morning Leonard woke me at 7:00 am with a phone call. He had stayed all night at the office and asked me to join him for breakfast downtown instead of the Devonshire Hotel restaurant as usual. Of course I went. I really admire how he can get away with so little sleep. Of course he frequently falls asleep at his desk in the office.
Wednesday evening I had supper with Mrs. Saunders and then finally finished my brown skirt.
A man on the radio has been telling stories about things that happened during and after the war. I heard him for the first time yesterday and he told about something that happened in FFM [Frankfurt] at the “Schiller” Plaza near the “Hauptwache.”Yes, I ate again at Mrs. Saunders last night and that brings me to the end of this “report.” My stomach is growling and my brains seem to have dried out from the unusual warm weather. Maybe I [will] lose some weight by the rest of this ride.
My heartiest greetings and kisses
Your loving Trudel
Handwritten by LGJ in English across the top of Trudel’s letter:
I am looking forward to the butter cookies – Leonard