July 3rd, 1934
My dear ones!
First of all, in Uncle’s name thanks for the ammonia cough drops.
Did one of you inquire at Leon Meyer about those little pins? The one I gave Auntie she wears all the time and could sell it many times during the day.
As I told you previously she is in charge of a costume jewelry store at the Fair.
I hope to be able to start working next week. On Friday I have to call my future boss again to make sure. So many newcomers have not found jobs yet.
On Saturday and yesterday I assisted Auntie a little. Actually I kept myself very busy. She introduced me to a German man who took me 10 min. later for coffee and in the evening Hans K. picked me up.
First we went to the Excellent film and show in a beautiful building, Chicago’s biggest and best movie house. The show was 3 hours. Then we went to a great restaurant to eat and dance. Such funny places you cannot imagine and you really get your money’s worth. I did not get home until 2 a.m.
Last week I went swimming 2 times. The water is pretty dirty but in this heat it is a wonderful way to cool off at least temporary.
How was Doddo’s birthday without me?My English is still very bad. I would like to read a newspaper but if nobody helps me I won’t understand anything anyhow. So I only read the German paper.
Sunday I was at Weil’s who just had heard a speech by [Joseph] Goebbels on the radio. Too bad I did not get there in time to hear it too.*
In the evening we took a walk along the lake. At night the view from there is really wonderful. Yesterday at the Fair I was looking for a witness of Henny’s accident from Düsseldorf. We spent about 1½ hrs talking together. Later in the evening we met at my favorite place, the Canadian Club Cafe, including Henny and Opa Kösterlitz. Opa tries to see me once every day. He, like all the others are much too good to me. His son Hans is out of town for 1 week.
Tomorrow is a big holiday here – 4th of July. Uncle, Opa and I will probably go to the fair where they expect a very, very big crowd.
I registered for my 1st papers and hope to get them this week. It cost $5 but in contrast I bought for only 10¢ a bottle of Cutex nail polish remover and a very big box of face powder for only 72¢. Today it is nice and cool, thank G’d.
Love and kisses.
*The radio speech to which Trudel refers is one in which Joseph Goebbels defended the actions of he NAZIs during “The Night of the Long Knives,” a purge that was a major event in Hitler’s rise to power. This demonstrates Trudel’s continuing attention to what was happening in Germany.
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