Friday Eve 1/25/35
My Dear Good Daddy:
As you can see this was only an empty threat to my sisters that I would not write unless they wrote to me. I would never think of not writing to you regularly. I was very happy to receive your nice letter of Jan. 10th yesterday.
Please excuse my writing with pencil tonight. I am already undressed after giving myself my weekly, very necessary manicure, a shampoo and setting my hair with curlers and pins as it is proper for a real American lady. Now I am wondering how my hair is going to look tomorrow. Who knows what kind of wild look I will have when I am planning to go to Weils tomorrow.
Tonight I went downtown and the stores were trying to close right before my nose. I managed to get in one, so they closed behind my back.
Yes, you are right. My letters are written just as I happen to think of it. But I am trying to answer your letters as well as possible. I always read them over a few times but in the future will have them at hand when I write to make sure I answer everything.
Did Liss receive my Xmas letter? I wrote about 10 of them. I picked the nicest one for her and at the same time thanked her for the sweet greeting she sent me. Hope she got it.
Have not heard from Aunt Henny again all week. I suppose I have to send her a postal card again to remind her that I still walk among the living. (And hopefully for a very long time as well and happy as now.)
I have not talked again to Mrs. Greenfelder-Stein’s sister in law. I will probably call her next week since we are starting work later.
Thanks G’d. I have now found a way so I do not have to eat alone every night in a basement restaurant (for about 35¢). Wednesday nights I usually eat at Gwen Bishop’s and stay overnight. Sat. and Sunday of course I am with Leonard.
The other evenings I shall sometimes eat with a very nice Jewish couple here in the building. I made her a hat out of some fur she had and I got the bright idea to ask them. I asked her if she would mind very much to cook for 3 instead of 2. I pay the same as I would in the restaurant but get good home cooked food and nice company. Tonight I had my 1st meal with then and I enjoyed it so very much.
Also I am very glad if I can go home directly after work in this lousy weather. It was bitter cold all week–12 degrees Fahrenheit. You have to figure out yourself what that would be Celsius. Today it was melting and the streets are awful slippery.
If you should talk to Rabbi Salzberger please give him my regards. I am concerned that he never answered my letter from Sept.
How do you like Leonard’s German writing? In the future I will write a translation of what he writes in English.
Now I am tired I want to go to sleep.
My loving greetings to everybody.
Your ever loving Trudel