Sorry I did not write sooner. We are very busy at work and I just wrote two long letters in English and in the next 12 days I have to finish 18 hats. Some alterations and some new. And then I will have to make some decent hats for myself since I will be leaving for Sumter on March 16.
Madge invited a lot of the meshpoche so I can meet them. I had some nice clothes made by Rose LaMarque, so Madge and her husband Ray will not have to be ashamed of me. The dresses are mostly black or dark color since everything gets very dirty here and I do not like to spend a lot of money on cleaning bills.
Leonard went shopping with me for other things. He has a wonderful taste but unfortunately not that much money. Just like home!!
Before leaving for South Carolina, I want to finish reading “Gone with the Wind” which plays mostly in Atlanta, Georgia, where Leonard was born. Unfortunately Leonard will be too busy and will not be able to go south with me.Last night we had dinner at Frances and Felix Welsch, Leonard’s very nice cousins where Aunt Flora stays when she is in Chicago.
It is very hard to explain “corn on the cob.” You do not have that, only the big corn cobs that are fed to the animals on a farm. This corn is very sweet and delicious, with some butter and salt on top.
If the movie “Camille,” with Greta Garbo, should come to Frankfurt, try to see it. It is excellent.
Shortlink http://wp.me/p1yA95-o6
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