A poetry anthology from Ireland by Anne Kelly

How to order | A note from the author


If I tell you of my pain
Can you stay
Will you turn away?

If I spell out my grief
Can you cope
Or, like a thief

Will you steal away
My hope
Of being heard?  
Still she stands at the open fire 
Hands soft and wrinkled
Skirt sprinkled with tiny flowers.
My face enfolded
     as she rocks me to and fro
Ochoneo go deo, go deo
Movourneen o; go dilis o! 

If I pour out the poison of my pain
Can you refrain
From saying, "You'll be O.K.
I've got lots to do today?"

If you cannot stay or cope or care
I understand
Only please don't hold my hand
And pretend.

I'd like to find a friend
Who will stay
Until I get it off my chest.
This trauma of the past.
This pain, and grief and woe.
Ochoneo go deo, go deo
Movourneen o; go dilis o!  

     Copyright 1999 Anne Kelly

To Order

Send $10 (incl. Postage and Packing) to:

S.B.A. Publications,
6, Forest Park,
County Dublin.

Cheque or money order payable to S.B.A. Publications Further enquiries e.g. bulk orders phone:

Anne Kelly, Dublin (018404661) 353-1-8404661

About this book

From the Forward to A Homecoming

Anne Kelly once told me that Achill people had a special bond, that it was deeply important to them to contact other Achill people wherever they went. Not just other Irish people, other Achill people. Most likely there are many reasons for this. Maybe Achill has been in some ways marginalised by virtue of its location. Maybe because it's an island which is so close to being part of the mainland, it has developed a unique and cohesive way of life which gives its people a sense of belonging which they can never forget. I don't know, I'm not from there.

One of the reasons Anne mentioned was the beauty of the place. When she said it, and when she talks about growing up in Achill, it's obvious that the 'island' is still living in her body, soul and mind. That's the feeling I get from these poems too, a sense that each rock, each crevice and each sea-storm represents a part of herself.

When we look back we can't really separate the surroundings from the internal. Maybe when we look forward we needn't either. How come we can experience conflict in the so-called natural world without moralising on whether the fox was 'right' to kill that chicken or whether the storm was 'right' to knock the slate off the roof? How come we can accept all that external wildness and find it so hard to admit it in ourselves? Why can't we just allow ourselves to spin out our own trail and eventually rest in the kind of fearful order that natural forces create?

Well, we're human and many of us like to think we have created a new order that makes us better than all the rest. If you're one of those, all I'd like to say is - look on these poems and relax.

Maighread Medbh

Prepared and hosted as a courtesy by:
Leonard Grossman
who edits The ModemJunkie's Portal and other wonderful sites. Mr. Grossman has no financial interest or other connection with the sale of the book.
Last modified: 7/14/1999 9:09:04 PM

A note from the author:

Thanks to all of you who purchase my book; the profits will go directly to St. Colman's Hospital, Keel, Achill, Ireland. You will have the pleasure of supporting a very worthy cause, and if, in addition, you enjoy the poems, what a bonus for all of us.

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