(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to Sep 30 2001 06:17).
Successful requests: 60,264 (6,885)
Average successful requests per day: 2,003 (983)
Successful requests for pages: 9,179 (1,263)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 305 (180)
Failed requests: 3,093 (25)
Redirected requests: 31 (0)
Distinct files requested: 2,300 (774)
Distinct hosts served: 1,341 (461)
Data transferred: 402.281 Mbytes (47.857 Mbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 13.371 Mbytes (6.836 Mbytes)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Each unit ()
represents 250 requests for pages or part thereof.
month: #reqs: #pages: --------: -----: ------: Aug 2001: 924: 499:Busiest month: Sep 2001 (8,680 requests for pages).Sep 2001: 59340: 8680:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Each unit ()
represents 60 requests for pages or part thereof.
date: #reqs: #pages: ---------: -----: ------: Aug/31/01: 924: 499:Busiest day: Sep/ 7/01 (2,152 requests for pages).Sep/ 1/01: 610: 67:
Sep/ 2/01: 683: 169:
Sep/ 3/01: 1309: 253:
Sep/ 4/01: 519: 87:
Sep/ 5/01: 749: 93:
Sep/ 6/01: 4691: 577:
Sep/ 7/01: 14341: 2152:
Sep/ 8/01: 1211: 478:
Sep/ 9/01: 8818: 928:
Sep/10/01: 2578: 78:
Sep/11/01: 1397: 688:
Sep/12/01: 2969: 185:
Sep/13/01: 1615: 250:
Sep/14/01: 1304: 396:
Sep/15/01: 556: 108:
Sep/16/01: 654: 58:
Sep/17/01: 1225: 116:
Sep/18/01: 990: 104:
Sep/19/01: 2227: 117:
Sep/20/01: 811: 81:
Sep/21/01: 1275: 170:
Sep/22/01: 1840: 244:
Sep/23/01: 532: 87:
Sep/24/01: 1676: 198:
Sep/25/01: 1523: 370:
Sep/26/01: 641: 190:
Sep/27/01: 751: 156:
Sep/28/01: 669: 124:
Sep/29/01: 1068: 139:
Sep/30/01: 108: 17:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Each unit ()
represents 80 requests for pages or part thereof.
day: #reqs: #pages: ---: -----: ------: Sun: 10795: 1259:Mon: 6788: 645:
Tue: 4429: 1249:
Wed: 6586: 585:
Thu: 7868: 1064:
Fri: 18513: 3341:
Sat: 5285: 1036:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Each unit ()
represents 30 requests for pages or part thereof.
hr: #reqs: #pages: --: -----: ------: 0: 1086: 145:1: 1367: 172:
2: 3662: 593:
3: 4768: 425:
4: 1175: 248:
5: 1802: 207:
6: 3645: 405:
7: 2169: 201:
8: 3957: 537:
9: 1580: 218:
10: 1831: 239:
11: 1310: 222:
12: 2604: 1046:
13: 2139: 281:
14: 1455: 216:
15: 3524: 286:
16: 1963: 181:
17: 3639: 232:
18: 5214: 1144:
19: 1990: 503:
20: 3217: 234:
21: 1684: 253:
22: 1645: 251:
23: 2838: 940:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing domains with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: domain -----: ------: ------ 23615: 32.37%: .net (Network) 11578: 20.85%: .com (Commercial) 9947: 15.30%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 2728: 7.25%: .edu (USA Educational) 2388: 6.26%: .fi (Finland) 2350: 4.55%: .nz (New Zealand) 1831: 2.89%: .no (Norway) 1239: 2.39%: .de (Germany) 1630: 2.21%: .nl (Netherlands) 365: 0.83%: .il (Israel) 294: 0.59%: .ca (Canada) 216: 0.57%: .uk (United Kingdom) 79: 0.57%: .tw (Taiwan) 624: 0.49%: .gov (USA Government) 99: 0.37%: .it (Italy) 274: 0.36%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 131: 0.34%: .au (Australia) 104: 0.32%: .ae (United Arab Emirates) 77: 0.27%: .fr (France) 138: 0.16%: .se (Sweden) 30: 0.11%: .be (Belgium) 58: 0.11%: .at (Austria) 99: 0.11%: .jp (Japan) 69: 0.09%: .us (United States) 60: 0.08%: .sa (Saudi Arabia) 26: 0.07%: .mil (USA Military) 19: 0.06%: .pl (Poland) 36: 0.06%: .ch (Switzerland) 22: 0.06%: .br (Brazil) 9: 0.05%: .ro (Romania) 20: 0.05%: .mk (Macedonia) 48: 0.05%: .mx (Mexico) 2: 0.04%: .hk (Hong Kong) 14: 0.04%: .tr (Turkey) 30: 0.04%: .dk (Denmark) 3: 0.02%: .hu (Hungary) 12: 0.03%: [not listed: 5 domains]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing organizations with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: organization -----: ------: ------------ 9947: 15.30%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 9933: 8.42%: mediaone.net 3221: 7.18%: telus.net 2374: 6.23%: turku.fi 2350: 4.55%: xtra.co.nz 2306: 2.55%: std.com 2164: 6.16%: lynchburg.edu 1811: 2.88%: opera.no 1744: 3.66%: aol.com 1296: 1.83%: d-n-a.net 1204: 1.51%: cistron.nl 1178: 2.28%: t-online.de 1153: 2.07%: home.com 1147: 1.36%: inreach.net 1137: 0.61%: eircom.net 954: 3.00%: calcad.com 878: 0.68%: mindspring.com 725: 0.47%: pubint.com 667: 0.79%: adelphia.net 661: 0.69%: level3.net 552: 0.66%: frontiernet.net 466: 1.37%: uu.net 464: 0.25%: meer.net 464: 0.25%: doleta.gov 436: 0.31%: enteract.com 436: 0.64%: googlebot.com 404: 0.96%: rr.com 385: 1.09%: fastsearch.net 376: 0.66%: chello.nl 355: 1.31%: av.com 334: 0.49%: ameritech.net 290: 0.64%: pacbell.net 267: 0.19%: megapath.net 252: 0.14%: nextlink.net 226: 0.88%: logika.net 223: 0.67%: openfind.com 219: 0.44%: att.net 174: 0.19%: fuse.net 170: 0.34%: netvision.net.il 153: 0.23%: sympatico.ca 131: 0.35%: bellsouth.net 117: 0.09%: 21stcentury.net 106: 0.07%: cch.com 104: 0.14%: corecomm.net 104: 0.32%: emirates.net.ae 92: 0.39%: inktomi.com 92: 0.28%: iucc.ac.il 88: 0.07%: infoweb.ne.jp 86: 0.11%: mediaways.net 83: 0.13%: prserv.net 81: 0.17%: verizon.net 78: 0.04%: coiinc.com 72: 0.31%: directhit.com 72: 0.19%: onetel.net.uk 71: 0.09%: uchicago.edu 70: 0.27%: excite.com 63: 0.17%: videotron.ca 63: 0.06%: ama-assn.org 61: 0.21%: openfind.com.tw 60: 0.08%: isu.net.sa 60: 0.06%: dol-esa.gov 58: 0.15%: optonline.net 58: 0.11%: socgen.com 58: 0.11%: wu-wien.ac.at 57: 0.05%: uic.edu 56: 0.15%: libero.it 56: 0.11%: cascorp.com 55: 0.24%: wanadoo.fr 54: 0.06%: nomadiz.se 54: 0.09%: wisenutbot.com 53: 0.13%: tatanova.com 50: 0.13%: navipath.net 49: 0.16%: shawcable.net 48: 0.05%: prodigy.net.mx 47: 0.15%: iprimus.net.au 46: 0.13%: t-dialin.net 44: 0.05%: gil.com.au 43: 0.12%: splitrock.net 42: 0.04%: a2000.nl 42: 0.06%: cgocable.net 42: 0.11%: alltel.net 41: 0.05%: hangley.com 40: 0.08%: popsite.net 40: 0.04%: voicestream.com 40: 0.05%: childrensmemorial.org 38: 0.04%: optilinkcomm.net 37: 0.19%: pol.co.uk 37: 0.02%: tnc.org 37: 0.04%: anl.gov 37: 0.07%: canaan.co.il 36: 0.07%: usc.edu 36: 0.04%: chello.se 35: 0.06%: harvard.edu 35: 0.06%: inter.net.il 35: 0.03%: bakernet.com 35: 0.12%: ibm.com 34: 0.02%: bankone.com 34: 0.25%: europeonline.net 34: 0.05%: luhs.org 34: 0.06%: telia.com 32: 0.05%: voyager.net 32: 0.83%: hinet.net 31: 0.05%: uswest.net 31: 0.06%: gtei.net 31: 0.13%: ual.com 30: 0.04%: sprintbbd.net 30: 0.04%: tcn.net 30: 0.03%: uppsala.se 29: 0.10%: uiuc.edu 29: 0.08%: nih.gov 29: 0.05%: netcomnetz.de 29: 0.12%: tricus.com 29: 0.08%: polymtl.ca 29: 0.03%: webseek.de 28: 0.07%: bigpond.com 28: 0.07%: interaccess.com 28: 0.07%: cpinternet.com 28: 0.07%: bu.edu 28: 0.04%: netcom.ca 28: 0.07%: newline.com 28: 0.07%: algx.net 28: 0.04%: gte.net 28: 0.07%: atcteleports.com 28: 0.07%: netcarrier.net 28: 0.07%: dialsprint.net 27: 0.04%: swbell.net 27: 0.03%: tele.dk 27: 0.05%: cnc.net 26: 0.07%: af.mil 26: 0.07%: saqnet.co.uk 26: 0.07%: gs.com 24: 0.08%: tii-dial.net 23: 0.04%: motorola.com 23: 0.04%: grid.net 23: 0.03%: apcosys.com 22: 0.09%: bezeqint.net 22: 0.03%: club-internet.fr 22: 0.05%: starband.net 22: 0.02%: tiscalinet.ch 22: 0.07%: reuters.com 21: 0.03%: novacon.net 21: 0.03%: ihda.org 21: 0.02%: truenorth.com 21: 0.03%: nac.net 21: 0.07%: localnet.com 20: 0.02%: timeinc.com 20: 0.02%: online.no 20: 0.02%: lineone.co.uk 20: 0.02%: bradley.edu 20: 0.02%: nwu.edu 20: 0.02%: elgin.cc.il.us 20: 0.02%: sls.lib.il.us 20: 0.02%: cudenver.edu 20: 0.02%: arthurandersen.com 20: 0.05%: csulb.edu 20: 0.02%: napier.ac.uk 20: 0.02%: tamsco.com 20: 0.05%: mt.net.mk 20: 0.02%: unicc.org 20: 0.05%: wabtec.com 19: 0.02%: hewitt.com 19: 0.02%: wustl.edu 19: 0.02%: banklife.com 19: 0.06%: amg.gda.pl 19: 0.02%: bethelbalto.com 19: 0.02%: provide.net 18: 0.02%: dime.com 18: 0.02%: vanguard.com 18: 0.02%: brynmawr.edu 18: 0.06%: northernlight.com 18: 0.02%: wt.net 18: 0.01%: novabio.com 17: 0.08%: visi.com 16: 0.04%: earthlink.net 16: 0.02%: global.net.uk 16: 0.04%: jnj.com 16: 0.01%: rrd.com 15: 0.06%: kellerisd.net 15: 0.06%: bestweb.net 15: 0.04%: btinternet.com 15: 0.06%: sk.ca 15: 0.06%: ena.net 15: 0.06%: cais.net 15: 0.06%: umkc.edu 15: 0.06%: iol.it 15: 0.05%: mich.net 14: 0.04%: amc.edu 14: 0.04%: bancodisicilia.it 14: 0.04%: raytheon.com 14: 0.04%: knet.co.il 14: 0.04%: netcomco.com 14: 0.04%: acsworld.net 14: 0.04%: qwest.net 14: 0.04%: wmcarey.edu 14: 0.04%: bzi.ch 14: 0.04%: jfmd.org 14: 0.04%: bms.com 14: 0.04%: xnet.com 14: 0.04%: gonzaga.org 14: 0.04%: sgrl.org 14: 0.04%: alter.net 14: 0.04%: wellsfargo.com 14: 0.04%: structurex.net 14: 0.04%: yu.edu 14: 0.04%: optusnet.com.au 14: 0.04%: 2iij.net 14: 0.04%: home.net 14: 0.04%: telocity.com 14: 0.24%: seed.net.tw 14: 0.04%: fda.gov 14: 0.04%: charter-stl.com 14: 0.04%: brown.edu 14: 0.04%: rcn.com 14: 0.04%: bt.net 14: 0.04%: isdn.net.il 14: 0.04%: nbtel.net 14: 0.04%: tpo.fi 14: 0.04%: parklink.com 14: 0.04%: servercom.com 14: 0.04%: ifl.net 14: 0.04%: richmond.edu 14: 0.04%: worldonline.com 14: 0.04%: kablonet.net.tr 14: 0.04%: easynet.be 14: 0.04%: guideguide.com 14: 0.04%: cf.ac.uk 14: 0.04%: wisc.edu 14: 0.04%: boeing.com 14: 0.04%: state.nj.us 14: 0.04%: enta.net 14: 0.04%: interpacket.net 14: 0.04%: brutele.be 14: 0.04%: ml.com 14: 0.04%: yeglaw.com 14: 0.01%: eb.com 14: 0.04%: ucop.edu 14: 0.04%: nwlink.com 14: 0.04%: wiredbusiness.com 14: 0.04%: iit.edu 14: 0.04%: dgasecurity.com 14: 0.04%: bear.com 14: 0.04%: epm.br 14: 0.04%: adelphi.edu 13: 0.02%: rkymtnhi.com 13: 0.03%: cisco.com 13: 0.03%: picsearch.com 13: 0.01%: tmns.net.au 13: 0.01%: capgemini.se 13: 0.03%: pond.com 13: 0.03%: benedictine.edu 12: 0.03%: btclick.com 11: 0.02%: microsoft.com 11: 0.04%: chartermi.net 10: 0.03%: concentric.net 10: 0.01%: treas.gov 9: 0.01%: attmil.ne.jp 8: 0.02%: ig.com.br 8: 0.03%: tiscalinet.it 7: 0.01%: bankofamerica.com 7: 0.01%: nauticom.net 7: 0.02%: domanova.co.uk 6: 0.03%: ntl.com 6: 0.11%: avantgo.com 6: 0.05%: idealab.com 5: 0.03%: inlandnet.com 5: 0.01%: swipnet.se 4: 0.01%: verio.net 4: 0.15%: sprint-canada.net 4: 0.06%: tin.it 4: 0.02%: netsetter.com 4: 0.01%: accesstoledo.net 4: 0.03%: digicom.ro 3: 0.03%: rworker.com 3: 0.01%: pajo.com 3: 0.03%: ncn.net 3: 0.03%: tco.net 3: 0.02%: kcpl.org 3: 0.01%: alexa.com 2: 0.04%: hkcable.com.hk 2: 0.02%: charterpipeline.com 2: 0.02%: rasserver.net 2: 0.08%: excitehome.net.au 2: 0.04%: biglobe.net.tw 2: 0.02%: cyberfan.com 2: 0.02%: goliat.hu 2: 0.04%: telenet-ops.be 2: 0.03%: net24.it 1: 0.02%: uni-heidelberg.de 1: 0.02%: mailbox.ro 1: 0.02%: starcat.ne.jp 1: 0.02%: stsn.com 1: 0.04%: ethome.net.tw 1: 0.02%: cmu.edu 1: 0.02%: gis.net 1: 0.02%: mcafee.com 1: 0.04%: giga.net.tw 287: 0.34%: [not listed: 86 organizations]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: directory -----: ------: --------- 35466: 54.03%: /944/ 22068: 39.35%: [root directory] 428: 3.33%: /stats_archive/ 1713: 2.47%: /mjnk/ 35: 0.36%: /stats/ 97: 0.22%: /wst/ 192: 0.19%: /walkingstick/ 60: 0.06%: /op/ 205: 0.01%: [not listed: 1 directory]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: extension -----: ------: --------- 38262: 58.74%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 1618: 18.88%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 6392: 7.32%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 1163: 7.23%: [directories] 12523: 6.91%: .gif [GIF graphics] 5: 0.40%: .bmp 6: 0.19%: .zip [Zip archives] 248: 0.18%: .txt [Plain text] 47: 0.16%: [not listed: 7 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
size: #reqs: %bytes: -----------: -----: ------: 0: 6815: : 1b- 10b: 1: : 11b- 100b: 132: : 101b- 1kb: 3447: 0.42%: 1kb- 10kb: 42532: 22.01%: 10kb-100kb: 7253: 73.34%: 100kb- 1Mb: 83: 3.88%: 1Mb- 10Mb: 1: 0.34%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
#reqs: status code -----: ----------- 53517: 200 OK 731: 206 Partial content 31: 301 Document moved permanently 6016: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 2: 400 Bad request 39: 401 Authentication required 3052: 404 Document not found
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing files with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: last date: file -----: ------: ---------------: ---- 1106: 0.39%: Sep/30/01 04:24: /wstico.jpg 670: 5.09%: Sep/30/01 00:13: / 594: 11.89%: Sep/30/01 02:20: /jewish.html 529: 0.24%: Sep/29/01 20:36: /mew.gif 205: 1.02%: Sep/30/01 04:24: /wst.html 125: 0.46%: Sep/29/01 09:43: /update.htm 108: 0.22%: Sep/29/01 09:43: /comcong.htm 102: 1.87%: Sep/30/01 02:21: /jewish2.html 100: 0.24%: Sep/29/01 14:09: /gropper.htm 89: 0.25%: Sep/30/01 04:44: /mjnk/weather.htm 87: 1.13%: Sep/29/01 06:34: /944/pics/ 68: 1.82%: Sep/28/01 21:49: /gropdove.jpg 61: 0.13%: Sep/30/01 05:01: /mjnk/ 59: 0.01%: Sep/29/01 14:33: /blithespirit.html 54: 0.78%: Sep/29/01 20:05: /startlinks.html 53: 0.35%: Sep/30/01 06:05: /adulted.htm 51: 0.20%: Sep/28/01 12:24: /macareso.htm 43: 0.05%: Sep/29/01 14:58: /nicol.htm 42: 0.39%: Sep/ 8/01 20:48: /944/html/ 42: 0.25%: Sep/30/01 06:06: /mjnk/mjnk0001.htm 41: 0.06%: Sep/27/01 16:03: /yka2000.htm 41: 0.03%: Sep/25/01 12:52: /walkingstick/r_3/ 40: 0.01%: Sep/27/01 18:40: /gropper1.htm 40: 0.03%: Sep/29/01 09:43: /wstalbums.htm 40: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:50: /walkingstick/r_2/ 40: 0.03%: Sep/26/01 12:12: /walkingstick/r_1/ 39: 0.15%: Sep/27/01 15:18: /wst/wstcal34.htm 39: 0.03%: Sep/29/01 15:01: /wstmap.htm 34: 0.01%: Sep/27/01 18:47: /calendar.htm 33: 0.10%: Sep/30/01 02:21: /startpage.html 31: 0.01%: Sep/27/01 18:46: /gropper3.htm 31: 0.01%: Sep/27/01 18:47: /gropper2.htm 30: 0.29%: Sep/28/01 20:13: /stats/ 29: 0.12%: Sep/29/01 15:05: /wstborder2.htm 29: 0.04%: Sep/27/01 15:00: /israel.htm 28: 0.01%: Sep/29/01 05:44: /gropwall.htm 28: 0.02%: Sep/29/01 09:42: /Rabbidsk0010.htm 27: 0.05%: Sep/29/01 03:16: /gropfr.htm 27: 0.04%: Sep/28/01 12:24: /maca.htm 27: 0.03%: Sep/29/01 03:16: /homecoming.htm 27: 0.04%: Sep/27/01 14:47: /gropper.html 27: 0.01%: Sep/27/01 18:47: /gropsel.htm 26: 0.03%: Sep/27/01 09:22: /mjnk/bibi.htm 26: 0.02%: Sep/27/01 18:48: /groplink.htm 25: 0.03%: Sep/29/01 03:15: /award.htm 24: 0.05%: Sep/27/01 18:43: /op/op0900.htm 24: 0.04%: Sep/29/01 03:16: /gropbak.htm 24: 0.16%: Sep/29/01 12:04: /home.html 24: 0.01%: Sep/29/01 09:40: /wstms.htm 24: 0.13%: Sep/29/01 17:22: /macaconfsched.htm 23: 0.01%: Sep/28/01 11:12: /brokenlinks.htm 23: 0.03%: Sep/28/01 09:53: /talmudsources.htm 22: 0.08%: Sep/25/01 22:43: /mjnk/mjnk0299.htm 22: 0.29%: Sep/ 7/01 18:18: /944/html/index.htm 22: 0.16%: Sep/27/01 05:11: /portal.html 22: 0.03%: Sep/27/01 19:31: /vigil.html 22: 0.02%: Sep/29/01 13:58: /crumpled.htm 21: 0.05%: Sep/26/01 09:28: /poetry.htm 20: 0.03%: Sep/27/01 17:27: /omi.htm 20: 0.01%: Sep/29/01 22:47: /stats_archive/archive.htm 20: 0.09%: Sep/29/01 20:05: /moving.html 20: 0.03%: Sep/27/01 06:35: /weather.htm 20: 0.03%: Sep/27/01 19:31: /sj.htm 19: 0.04%: Sep/25/01 12:48: /mjnk/mjnk1296.htm 19: 0.07%: Sep/25/01 18:02: /mjnk/mjnk9909.htm 18: 0.02%: Sep/29/01 09:42: /history.htm 18: 0.05%: Sep/26/01 17:03: /home4.htm 18: 0.03%: Sep/27/01 16:53: /mjnk/mjnk0197.htm 17: 0.03%: Sep/25/01 12:55: /mjnk/weather2.htm 17: 0.08%: 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/stats_archive/output2.html 14: 0.08%: Sep/29/01 10:12: /stats_archive/output0001.html 14: 0.01%: Sep/25/01 12:57: /mjnk/mjnk0396.html 14: 0.01%: Sep/25/01 13:00: /mjnk/karlspam.htm 14: 0.82%: Sep/26/01 14:08: /stats_archive/97_98log.htm 14: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:57: /mjnk/mjnk1097.htm 14: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:55: /mjnk/mjnk0696.htm 14: 0.03%: Sep/14/01 18:24: /home3.htm 14: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:53: /mjnk/mjnk0597.htm 14: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:52: /mjnk/mjnk1297.htm 14: 0.01%: Sep/25/01 12:56: /mjnk/mjnk0896.htm 14: 0.04%: Sep/29/01 22:13: /mjnk/mjnkWP.html 13: 0.03%: Sep/25/01 12:54: /mjnk/mjnk0998.htm 13: 0.01%: Sep/25/01 12:57: /mjnk/mjnk0996.htm 13: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:51: /mjnk/mjnk9904.htm 13: 0.01%: Sep/25/01 12:53: /mjnk/mjnk1298.htm 13: 0.02%: Sep/29/01 05:43: /mjnk/mjnk9911.htm 13: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:54: /mjnk/mjnk0997.htm 13: 0.04%: Sep/19/01 16:25: /944/ 13: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:59: /mjnk/mjnk1197.htm 13: 0.02%: Sep/28/01 20:41: /171.htm 13: 0.03%: Sep/25/01 12:51: /mjnk/mjnk9907.htm 13: 0.03%: Sep/30/01 06:12: /mjnk/poetry.htm 12: 0.08%: Sep/29/01 21:08: /stats_archive/output.html 12: 0.03%: Sep/26/01 23:15: /mjnk/mjnk9906.htm 12: 0.06%: Sep/29/01 08:12: /stats_archive/output9904.html 12: 0.11%: Sep/28/01 16:09: /stats_archive/output0102.html 12: 0.03%: Sep/20/01 16:58: /wstcal12.htm 12: 0.06%: Sep/25/01 13:00: /stats_archive/output9903.html 12: 0.01%: Sep/25/01 12:49: /mjnk/jewishfundamentalism.htm 12: 0.06%: Sep/25/01 12:54: /mjnk/mjnk1098.htm 11: 0.01%: Sep/29/01 04:07: /mjnk/quicken.txt 11: 0.03%: Sep/25/01 12:53: /mjnk/mjnk1198.htm 11: 0.05%: Sep/29/01 06:13: /stats_archive/output9902.html 11: 0.11%: Sep/25/01 13:03: /stats_archive/output0011.html 11: 0.09%: Sep/25/01 13:03: /stats_archive/output0008.html 11: 0.02%: Sep/29/01 14:14: /stats_archive/output3.html 11: 0.04%: Sep/29/01 12:27: /wst/wstcal33.htm 11: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:49: /mjnk/mjnk9905.htm 11: 0.05%: Sep/25/01 13:00: /stats_archive/output9905.html 11: 0.02%: Sep/25/01 12:52: 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(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 30 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.
#reqs: file -----: ---- 228: /robots.txt 117: /944/html/backgrounds/index.jpg 98: /944/pics/backgrounds/index.jpg 76: /wst/PadClear.gif 51: /favicon.ico 42: /wst/PageTop.gif 42: /wst/TileGYSq.gif 32: /stats/ 30: /944/backgrounds/index.jpg 30: /944/thumbnails/IMG100.jpg 18: /944/thumbnails/IMG77.jpg 17: /www.greecetravel.com/jewishhistory 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG99.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG97.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG88.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG79.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG95.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG86.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG93.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG84.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG91.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG82.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG80.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG98.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG89.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG96.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG87.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG78.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG94.jpg 16: /944/thumbnails/IMG85.jpg 2024: [not listed: 588 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing referring URLs with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: URL -----: --- 363: http://www.google.com/search 38: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:L3UmMr1bzMc:www.lgrossman.com/+leonard+grossman++look+ma&hl=en 26: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:Jy6A5jSLqqA:www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html+noah+ben+artzi&hl=en 13: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:Jy6A5jSLqqA:www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html+Jorn+Barger+antisemitic&hl=en 13: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:Jy6A5jSLqqA:www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html+sefer+yetzirah+kaplan+download&hl=sv 10: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:Jy6A5jSLqqA:www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html+noah+ben+artzi+yitzhak+rabin&hl=en 177: http://google.yahoo.com/bin/query 52: http://www.fantawa.com/member20/me/guestbook.html 18: http://www.fantawa.com/member20/me/guestbook.html?MEMBER=%BA%F8%AA%E1%BF}%BF} 16: http://www.fantawa.com/member20/me/guestbook.html?MEMBER=ºøªá¿}¿} 31: http://search.lycos.com/main/default.asp 29: http://translate.google.com/translate_c 13: http://translate.google.com/translate_c?hl=es&u=http://www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html#index&prev=/search?q=jewhoo&start=40&hl=es&safe=off&sa=N 12: http://translate.google.com/translate_c?hl=es&u=http://www.lgrossman.com/wst.html&prev=/search?q=jewhoo&start=40&hl=es&safe=off&sa=N 48003: [not listed: 925 URLs]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: site -----: ---- 47660: http://www.lgrossman.com/ 368: http://www.google.com/ 177: http://google.yahoo.com/ 53: http://www.fantawa.com/ 36: http://search.lycos.com/ 29: http://translate.google.com/ 22: http://www.oprf.com/ 19: http://www.indiana.edu/ 18: 16: http://www.greenspun.com/ 16: http://www.htmlhelp.com/ 14: http://www.alltheweb.com/ 12: http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/ 12: http://uahc.org/ 11: http://www.vjc.org/ 10: http://search.msn.com/ 10: http://www.ameritech.net/ 8: http://ss556.logika.net/ 7: http://www.altavista.com/ 6: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/ 6: http://mishmash.virtualave.net/ 5: http://www.netfactual.com/ 5: http://www.geocities.com/ 5: http://in.indya.lycosasia.com/ 5: http://www.wsthz.org/ 4: http://www.google.de/ 4: http://home.con2.com/ 4: http://members.core.com/ 4: http://www.lycos.com/ 4: http://www.infoseek.de/ 105: [not listed: 67 sites]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 20 queries by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: search term -----: ----------- 38: cache:l3ummr1bzmc:www.lgrossman.com/ leonard grossman look ma 26: cache:jy6a5jslqqa:www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html noah ben artzi 14: yom kippur appeal 13: cache:jy6a5jslqqa:www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html jorn barger antisemitic 13: jewish links 13: cache:jy6a5jslqqa:www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html sefer yetzirah kaplan download 10: walkingstick 10: cache:jy6a5jslqqa:www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html noah ben artzi yitzhak rabin 6: mediteranean high fever 5: familial mediteranean fever 5: william marovitz 4: har zion 4: blithe spirit summary 4: leonard grossman 4: usa used law book stores 4: anonymyzer 4: hershy worch 3: berdichev cooking 3: playboy romania 3: finding poetry 438: [not listed: 357 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing the first 20 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: search term -----: ----------- 90: jewish 62: cache:jy6a5jslqqa:www.lgrossman.com/jewish.html 47: grossman 44: leonard 43: noah 42: ben 41: artzi 38: look 38: cache:l3ummr1bzmc:www.lgrossman.com/ 38: ma 31: yom 31: kippur 29: and 27: of 25: in 19: appeal 19: chicago 17: temples 16: download 15: barger 1484: [not listed: 692 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing browsers with at least 10% of the traffic, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: browser -----: ------- 60233: [not listed: 371 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)
Listing operating systems with at least 10% of the traffic, sorted by the number of requests.
#: #reqs: OS --: -----: -- 1: 52783: Windows : 22172: Windows 98 : 12602: Windows NT : 10896: Windows 95 : 6171: Windows 2000 : 931: Unknown Windows : 11: Windows 32-bit 2: 5349: OS unknown : 2101: [not listed: 2 OS's]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Operating System Report)