Up * » IWJ at OSHA National Action Summit for Latino Worker Health and Safety

Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis convened a National Action Summit for Latino Worker Health and Safety on April 14 and 15 in Houston. Opening day events included a keynote address by Solis and employees sharing their workplace experiences.

The summit, co-sponsored by the OSHA and NIOSH, brought together more than 1,000 people, including workers and representatives from unions, employer associations, community organizations, day labor centers, the interfaith community, the academic community, Latino organizations, health professionals, medical clinics, consulates, federal and state agencies, and others with the goal of reducing injuries and illness among Latino workers by enhancing their knowledge of their rights and their ability to exercise those rights.

Interfaith Worker Justice was a forceful presence at this summit. In addition to the formal conference, IWJ and COSH held additional training sessions and provided opportunities for activists to learn from one another.

IWJ Together
OSHA Summit
IWJ-COSH Post Conference

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