"Spring in the Ozarks -- A fresh start"
April 17-19, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Featured speakers:
- Mary Pipher Ph.D., author of the new best seller, Another Country -- Navigating the Emotional Terrain of our Elders
- Don Lambert, author of The Life and Art of Elizabeth "Grandma" Layton
Also featuring a special exhibit of twenty original of drawings by Elizabeth Layton, "The Nursing Home Series."
University Plaza Hotel - Springfield, Missouri
333 S. John Q. Hammons Pkwy
Springfield MO
A special MACA rate is available: $65.50 ( King-size or Double ) This rate is available for reservations beginning up to 3 days before and ending up to 3 days after the conference dates.
On line registration for the conference is now available. Check the Conference Home page for further information.
General Conference Schedule

Content and Structure Subject to Change
Sunday April 16, 2000
Early Registration
Presidents Early Bird Reception (free
to all conference registrants)
Monday April 17, 2000
Registration, beverages served
Keynote Opening Session
John Q. Hammons,
philanthropist, developer and one of Springfields favorite
octogenarians, Mr. John Q. Hammons welcomes Mid-America Congress on Aging to one of his many
C. Takamura, Ph.D., Assistant Secretary for Aging, US
Administration on Aging, will open the conference with an update on
The National Family Caregiver Support Program.
State and local officials
Conference Preview Panel
11:15-11:30am |
Break |
11:30-12:30pm |
Lunch with Don Lambert,
The Legacy of Elizabeth
Laytons Fresh Start Don will explore the legacy of
a gifted elder artist who addressed social issues through her art. |
12:30-12:45pm |
Break |
12:45-1:00pm |
Opening of the Elizabeth Layton exhibit, underwritten by Merrill Lynch, in cooperation with SMSU Gerontology
Program. Exhibit will remain open throughout conference. |
1:00-1:30pm |
Don Lambert
author of : The
Art &Life of ElizabethGrandma Layton Book signing in exhibition room |
1:30-2:45pm |
General session and CEU sign-in |
Larry Brewster, Ph.D.,
Bi-Regional Administrator, US Administration on Aging, Facilitator.
Caregiver support is a major priority of the US Administration on Aging.
This panel will review incentives and disincentives to creative caregiving.
Government, caregiver, and service provider views will be presented.
Interactive format.
Refreshment break
Workshops/CEU sign-in & evaluations
Bradley Fisher, Ph.D.,
Director of Gerontology, Southwest Missouri State University, reports
on a study that examined the meanings older people attach to
successful aging and its relationship to creative activity.
Presentation includes members from Studio 55.
Becky Browne,
School of Tai Chi, Joplin, Missouri. You will learn
to improve balance, ease arthritis with researched Tai Chi programs.
Will, RN, Humorist, Wills Consulting, Keokuk, Iowa
Practice-based participatory workshop. Creative humor for greater
quality of life.
If you have a mouse, do you
need an investments broker to become a fat cat? Get acquainted with the
changing landscape of investment planning and financial security. Mark
Nelson has the map, the mouse, and the savvy.
Monday Evening
5:00-7:00pm |
Wine & Cheese Reception with Mary & Jim
Pipher. (Reservations required. Limited space.) |
6:00-9:00pm |
Gala Event, reservations required |
Food Music Fun!
Special Guest Appearance: Hear Jim
Pipher, singer-songwriter,
clinical psychologist, and spouse of Mary Pipher.
Jim, a member of the famous "Lightning Bugs" of Lincoln,
Nebraska, will perform live and unplugged. |
April 18, 2000
Exhibitors continental breakfast
Workshops/CEU sign-in &
Mercedes Bern-Klug, Center on Aging, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas
City, Kansas. Family and societal issues regarding end-of-life care.
Research-based interactive workshop.
Linda Havir,
Professor of Sociology, St. Cloud State University, St.
Cloud, Minnesota. You will learn the latest news in university research
from our Student Paper Competition.
Dennis Edwards,
Ph.D., Private Practice, Nixa, Missouri, will discuss innovative programs
and approaches to the many varieties and
causes of dementia.
Carmen Boyd,
MS, LPC, RD Instructor, Biomedical Sciences Department, Southwest Missouri
State University. You will hear about the latest RDAs, specific nutrition
requirements for older people and nutritional quackery.
General Session/CEU
& evaluations
Ph.D. Professor, University of Iowa, School of Social Work, Iowa City,
Iowa and Steve Siglin, LNHA, Iowa City, Iowa.
Tom and Steve will rattle your paradigms. Why is there a long-term
care crisis in America, and what shall we do about it?
Lunch with Mary Pipher, Ph.D.
Country Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Our Elders Mary
Pipher's fresh perspective on elder issues in America will challenge us to
change our culture and change some of the ways we do business.
Book signing with Mary Pipher
Workshops/CEU sign-in & evaluations
James Vanden Bosch,
Executive Director, Terra Nova Films, Inc., Chicago, Illinois. A video
spiced workshop, Part I, Interactive training workshop dealing with
difficult behaviors of the care-receiver.
Jeremy Kenner, Director of
Research in Law and Ethics, Midwest Bioethics Center, Kansas City,
Missouri, will discuss the Kansas City project working to improve
end-of-life care by stimulating and influencing staff and culture of
long-term-care facilities.
Pamela Payne-Edwards, Ph.D.,
Licensed Professional Counselor, Ozark, Missouri. Experienced
caregiver/professional counselor discusses the emotional toll of
caregiving, handling finances, resentment and more.
We cant fix the loss of independence.
Beverly Scroggins, Community
Service Director, Area Agency on Aging, Joplin, Missouri. Practical steps
to follow when making family decisions on personal property transfer.
Refreshment break
Workshops/CEU sign-in & evaluations
James Vanden Bosch,
Executive Director, Terra Nova Films, Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
A video spiced workshop, Part II, Interactive training workshop
around the difficult feelings and frustrations of caregivers and how to
find a balance.
Linda Havir, Ph.D.,
Professor of Sociology, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Do seniors have a bigger problem with gambling addiction than other
age groups? Research based
discussion on public concerns about older people and casinos.
Topper Glass, Attorney and
Richard E. Walters, Attorney, Springfield, Missouri.
An overview of the current and most controversial legal issues in
the field of aging. These
lawyers place the emphasis on solutions.
Rona McNally, Volunteer
Coordinator, Area Agency on Aging - S.O.R.T. Program, Warrensburg,
Missouri. Interactive
discussion of efforts to identify and prevent the loss of resources due to
Medicare and Medicaid fraud, abuse and misuse. It is your money, too!
Help save it!
Wednesday April 19,
Membership breakfast buffet & business meeting
9:00- 9:15am
Workshops/CEU sign-in & evaluations
Virginia Galbraith-Snow,
Coordinator - Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, Springfield,
Missouri. An active, learning, fun workshop.
Learn activities and leisure methods of helping resident/patients
continue to experience joy, laughter and some new spiritual growth.
David P. Sykora, Executive
Director, St. Louis Area Agency on Aging; and Dorothy F. Edwards, Ph.D.,
Associate Research Professor in Occupational Therapy, St. Louis, Missouri.
A description of the Community
Partnership Model will highlight efforts made to understand culture and
climate of all parties. Easily replicated model for your community.
Janet Witt, Grass Roots
Manager, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare,
Washington, DC. Learn how to get involved as an
advocate and why advocacy is necessary to make legislative changes to
increase senior services.
Mercedes Bern-Klug, Center on
Aging, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas. An
overview of the LIFE Project (Living Initiatives at the End of Life), with
40 Kansas agencies participating. Information
on planning for and receiving quality care and community involvement in
improving care at the end of life.
Service World Computer Center,
Inc., Springfield, Missouri.
A Computer Workshop
Closing Session
"Building Bridges and
Creativity in the New Millennium"
Bradley Fisher, Ph.D., Director of Gerontology, Southwest Missouri
State University. There is a need to recognize how elders are employing
creative strategies to cope with everyday life. They, as successful aging
role models, and professionals in the field of aging are laying the
groundwork for an increased level of understanding and more humane
treatment of elders in our society. Dr. Bradley Fisher will tie together
all we have learned about creativity and caregiving and look to the tasks
we all will share to enhance the quality of life for older people in the
future. To paraphrase a
famous quotation, "We have met the elderly, and they is us!"
Palmtop computer drawing
CEU evaluation
To register for the
conference please click here. |
If you wish to make a presentation at MACA 2000, visit our Call for Presentations page. From there you can either apply on line or print out an application.
The Mid-America Congress on Aging embodies the unique, time-tested values of the heartland. Our conference is designed to bring our diverse experiences and viewpoints together to create the best possible future for our communities and the older persons we serve. MACA originated over a quarter century ago as a multidisciplinary association of professionals working in the field of aging in the heartland. With leadership which spans the administrative and direct practice fields, MACA works to offer you quality educational programs, as well as opportunities to come together with others to share and problem-solve around common issues facing the field of aging. Come join us, meet your neighbors, and share your expertise to enhance the delivery of all types of services needed by older Americans.
The complete conference schedule with full details on the program and presenters will be posted on line when available.
You are invited to take advantage of exhibit space and/or special event sponsorship at the MACA Conference. If your organization is interested in these options, please call for an exhibit packet.
Special Needs
If you need any special accommodations or have any special dietary needs, please indicate this on your registration form.
A variety of opportunities for student involvement
Graduate students--how would you like to win a cash prize and become famous throughout the Midwest? MACA is once again sponsoring a student paper competition. Two graduate student papers will be designated as MACA 2000 OUTSTANDING STUDENT PAPERS. Student winners will have the opportunity to present their papers at the conference. More detailed infomration is available on our Student Paper page
Other student opportunities:
- Students can receive complimentary registration by volunteering for four hours.
- MACA is developing a job search process for students and prospective employers.
Registration Forms
For your convenience conference registration and MACA membership forms will be made available here as soon as possible.
If you are interested in learning more about the conference or these opportunities please contact Carol Caffey at 417-836-6660 or e-mail
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