Leonard Grossman and Cindy Barnard were married on January 6, 2008
A Lengthy List of Jewish Links
Len's Lengthy List of Jewish Links
Welcome to the updated Lengthy List of Links. Because of the plethora of search engines and the explosion of Jewish sites we are no longer routinely accepting links for this page. Further, because of massive spamming the automated service for adding related links has been taken off line.
A few days before my 65th birthday in November, Cindy surprised me with a large dinner party at the Parthenon Restaurant in Chicago's Greek Town. The biggest surprise of the evening
was a leather-bound volume containing many of the essays and other non-legal
writings I have written over the years.
Many of them she captured from my ModemJunkie articles and elsewhere on this website.
But she also included well over a dozen other essays and
some other materials.The entire book is online under the name she gave it
Extraordinary Words.
In April 2007, Cindy Barnard and Len Grossman combined millennia of Jewish tradition with decades of their own family traditions in a joyous Passover Seder which brought together old and new friends and relatives from both of their families for an evening of study, song, laughter, learning and wonderful food.
Note: The sections below are not in the same sequence as the index but you can return to the top easily. The distribution of links into various categories is somewhat arbitrary. If you can't find what you are looking for where you expect it, please look around. (For example, where would you look for the "Latke - Hamentash Debate?") Also, please let me know what you think of this new color scheme.
Israel Sites
- At Home With the Native That I Am A "flexidox" rabbi returns to Israel and finds an oasis not of palm trees and healthy springs, but of Israelis who have miraculously seeded ancient dreams once again in the dust of the ancestors, firmly grounding themselves in the recently rediscovered roots of Indigenous Israel. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Visit to Israel - - An appetizer.
- An Open Letter to the former Prime Minister of Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu
- MASHAV: Israel's Center for International Cooperation
- Peace Links
- Shalom AchshavPeace Now in Israel
- Americans for Peace Now is a national grassroots organization of American Zionists committed to peace and security for Israel. APN builds public understanding and support for efforts to achieve a lasting and secure peace in the Middle East.
- Ariga An eclectic online 'zine carrying current events, arts and letters, and various pieces of proof that the peace process is bigger than any politician.
- E-mail and Fax Addresses. Write Israeli and U.S. Officials about issues. Take a stand and be counted. [Added October 10, 1999]
- Mideast Web A site for those interested in promoting peace education and dialog in the MidEast. [Added 10/1/99]
- Mideast Web Table of Contents [Added 10/10/99]
- The Israel Poll Center is an interactive site dealing with the latest issues in Israel. The site accepts suggestions for new polls that should be added to the Poll Center. May not work with all browsers.[Added 10/9/99.]
- GAMLA The Non-profit organization, "Gamla shall not fall again;" was established in December 1995 with the goal to explain and organize activity stressing the importance of Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan Heights to the security of the State of Israel. [Added 10/9/99]
- Peace for Palestine Another point of view.
- Israel 101- Survival Kit for Dummies. This site is hostile to the peace movement and to the concept of a Palestinian state. It is presented for informational purposes only and is not endorsed by the editor of this website. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- USY Solidarity Trip to Israel A college student describes his return to Israel in a time of crises.
- U.S.I.S - Israel The U.S. Information Service presents information on Israel and much more.
- Challenging the Legitimacy of Hatred A timely OpEd article by Rabbi Adin Steinsalz.
- News from Israel
- Looking for Barry Goldstein. A personal tale of community and loss on the internet -- with an Israeli twist.
- Window on the Wall A Webcam sends a new picture from the Western Wall once a minute 24 hour a day. This site also includes more from Aish HaTorah.
- The Jerusalem Mosaic
- The Office of The Prime Minister of Israel Available in English or Hebrew. Includes link to send feed back to P.M. Netanyahu. That could be useful.
- Virtual Jerusalem The Internet City with a 3,000 year Tradition
That site also hosts the Jewish Humor listserv mailing list, which sends an e-mail of jokes about once a month...
- SABRAnet Where Israel comes alive on the Internet.
- Magen David Adom - Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel's emergency medical, health, blood and disaster services. Saves lives in Israel and around the world, regardless of race, religion or creed. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Travelmania An on line Israel travel and information center.[Added November 14, 1999]
- Tel Aviv Insider. The inside track to Israel's most vibrant city. [Added 01/17/2000]
- Topaz Communications Discount telephone rates to Israel and more. [Added November 14, 1999]
- Chagall Windows in Jerusalem - Chagall Windows, these twelve masterpieces by the Jewish genial artist, despict the Blessings to the Twelve Tribes. The Windows are permanently exhibited in the synagogue of the Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem. [updated 09/04/00]
- Israeli Culture Israeli Culture is a starting point for web surfers, as it has links and reviews of sites - all connected with Israeli Music, Art, Film and Theater. And there's more. Each week there is a feature story, highlighting a different aspect of Israeli Culture.
- AACI Jobnet Largest, dual language, Israel job datase.
- Israel-Media An extensive collection of fascinating multimedia all related to Israel-the Land, its People, History, Culture, and more.
- The WWW yellow-pages of Israel
- Andromeda Hill - exclusive apartments for rent/sale in Jaffa,Israel - The Andromeda enclave ?n exclusive address in Jaffa Israel is offering spacious apartments for short/long term lease and sale. Featuring ultramodern furnishings, appliances, providing the utmost in comfort and convenience. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Visit the Dry Bones Cartoon Website
- In The Name Of Sorrow And Hope A memorial to Yitzhak Rabin by his granddaughter.
- Rabin Eulogy by Noah Ben-Artzi
- Hebrew University -Jerusalem
- NATIV The United Syagogue Youth program for study in Israel.
- The Truth About the Rabin Assassination Conspiracy theories. Presented for your consideration -- not endorsed.
- Israel - Net Real Estate Vacation rentals and residential properties for sale throughout Israel.
- Israel Diamond Exchange. Information about the Israeli diamond business and the Israel Diamond Exchange can be found at this site.
- Israel Tours (commercial sites)
- ConnecTours - specializes in full-service custom and packaged tours to Israel and Jordan. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Israel Tours and Travel Bar and Bat Mitzvah Family Kosher Tours of Israel.
- IsraStop - A site that gives detailed information about Israel. Get up-to-date information on travel to Israel and other topics of interest regarding Israel. Personal requests are accepted, personalizing the site to meet each individual's information needs. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Sheraton Israel Hotels
- Special Tours for Special Children.
- The Online Annotated Damascus Gate By Jorn Barger. This is an experiment in progress in annotating a very difficult novel on the Web. Damascus Gate should work especially well because it's grounded in a very complex, very real, very contemporary conflict-- and one that's already well-documented on the Web. Note: Barger's Disclaimer: "All points on the political spectrum will be linked here. Many are extremely extreme." [Added 10/5/99]
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United Synagogue and JTS Sites
Jewish Theological Seminary Sites
Return to index
Holiday Related Sites
- Aish HaTorah's Purim Site
Featuring these fun-filled soul-satisfiers:
- The Ganza Megillah.
Find out everything you never knew about the Purim story, with a chapter-by-chapter summary of fascinating thoughts culled from the Talmud and Midrash.
- Purim Jokes and Gags.
Only on Purim do we get totally zany and tell all those wacky jokes we've been saving up all year. Here's some of our favorites!
- The Purim / Yom Kippur Counter-Balance
The Sages say that Purim is a day even greater than Yom Kippur! Find out about this body-and soul dynamic...
- Drink 'til You...
The most famous mitzvah of Purim day: Get drunk! Isn't this antithetical to traditional Judaism? How does this possibly bring us to spiritual clarity?
- Haman: Heir to Amalek
Find out what drove Haman to such intense anti-Semitism. And why do we stomp and yell and spin our groggers at the mere mention of his name?
- Joy to the World
Purim is a time of joy, joy, joy. Rabbi Noah Weinberg reveals his secret of "How to Attain True Happiness."
- You Are Not Alone
Rabbi Nachum Braverman of Aish HaTorah Los Angeles gives his unique spin on the spiritual significance of Purim day.
- Cosmic Perfection
Culled from Aish HaTorah's email series, "The Padowitz Piece," this intriguing overview of Purim day covers a variety of themes.
- Fast of Esther
Why did Esther proclaim a 3-day fast before going in to see the King? And why do Jews always fast the day before going out to war?
- Laws of the Megillah Reading
Everything you need to know about the mitzvah of hearing the Megillah, laid out in a user-friendly format.
- Gifts and Jewish Unity
We send two types of ready-to-eat food to at least one friend, and give Tzedakah to at least two needy persons - to symbolize the spirit of unity which helped the Jewish People defeat Haman.
- Shushan Purim
The Jews of Shushan were granted an extra day to fight off their enemies, so they celebrated their victory on the 15th of Adar. Today, walled cities like Jerusalem observe Purim on the 15th.
- The 7th of Adar
Why did Haman choose Adar as the time for Jewish annihilation? And how does this relate to the fact that Moses was born - and died - on the 7th of Adar...
- The 4 Parshas
"In the weeks surrounding Purim, we read four special maftirs" portions on Shabbat morning. What does the Half-Shekel, remembering Amalek, the Red Heifer and sanctifying the New Moon have to do with all this?
- Passover
- Passover on the Net
- High Holy Days
- Chanukah on the Net. [Added 01/17/2000]
- The Hanukah Haggadah
- Purim on the Net
- Holidays on the Net
- 4hannukkah.com Information and Gifts and more.
- Uncle Eli's Haggadah This is a wonderful Dr. Seuss-type Passover Haggadah.
- Purim on the Net From the Jewish Post.
- The Hanukah Haggadah Infomation about The Hanukah Haggadah, fashioned after the Passover Haggadah, is a recitation written especially to commemorate the critical consequences and significance of Hanukah, a holiday that celebrates religious freedom.
- PESACH WITH CHILDREN Stan Cohen on encouraging our children to participate in Pesach preparations [Added November 14, 1999]
- A PASSOVER HYMN: A Jewish renewal holiday poem by Esther Cameron. [Added November 14, 1999]
- PASSOVER FOR PEACE: New ritual from Arthur Waskow At this Seder, we tell the story of the collisions and reconciliations that have intertwined the children of Abraham and Sarah: the Jewish people, with the children of Abraham and Hagar: the Arab peoples. [Added November 14, 1999]
- THE ANONYMOUS HAGGADAH: A synthesis of the Passover ritual and liturgy with the twelve steps of recovery by Hershy Worch [Added November 14, 1999]
- THE SONG OF SONGS JCN's classic illuminated commentary, by Rabbi Hershy Worch and Yori Yanover. [Added November 14, 1999]
- THE RABBI ELIEZER INCIDENT Yori Yanover and Larry Yudelson explain the revolutionary history lurking below the famous Bnei Brak seder table. [Added November 14, 1999]
- HOLD THAT CHICKEN! Is fenugreek kosher for Passover? Are peas? JCN forum regular Hayah shows how a little learning can be a hilarious thing in this comic essay. [Added November 14, 1999]
- Two Candles Burn - New Jewish Festival Songs For Children - Exciting new songs introducing children to the Jewish Festivals. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- PASSOVER, THE UNTOLD STORIESSilliness from Passover maven Yori Yanover [Added November 14, 1999]
[] Because we wouldn't do it on our own
[] To make sure we can find crumbs next Pesach
[] Let's face it: God loves yeast (that's why he made so many of them)
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Jewish Publications
- The Pumbedissa Journal. Newsletter of the Walkingstick Foundation. An open forum for uninhibited discussion of Judaic issues. [Added 09/03/2000]
- The Jewish Post of New York
- The Jewish Telegraph Britain's only regional Jewish paper with separate editions for Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool and Glasgow. [Added 01/17/2000]
- The Khazaria Info Center Bookstore Books about East European Jewish history, language, culture, the Holocaust, and more.
- Khazaria also has an archive of book reviews on all sorts of Jewish topics at http://www.khazaria.com/eejh/booknotes.html from the users of EEJH mailing list, details of which are at http://www.khazaria.com/eejh/eejh.html
- Soncino Press, Ltd. - Soncino Press is the world-famous publisher of the Soncino Talmud, Zohar, Midrash Rabbah and Books of the Bible sets. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Broder's Rare and Used Books A rare and out-of-print bookshop online, specializing in Judaica.
- Jewish Book Listings Presented by the Ayers Company Publishers
- L'Chayim...to life - a novel by Dr.Fred Kurtzman. Set in the small town of Warwick, New York, a young Jewish person reveals in his diary of the 60's and 70's his feelings, his fears, his loves, his triumphs and his defeats. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Jonathan David Publishers a nonfiction trade book publisher that specializes in popular Judaica.
- The Ohs and Ahs of Torah Reading: A Guide to the Kamatz Katan in the Torah, the Haftarot, and the Megillot - Published by YODAN Publishing. . [Added 01/17/2000] .
- The Jewish Communications Network Updated daily. News, articles, archives.
- Send E-mail toThe Chicago Jewish Star
Return to index
Holocaust Studies
- United Stated Holocaust Memorial Museum
- The Museum of Jewish Heritage A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. Located in New York City. [added 1/17/00]
- Holocaust Names This is a site to post i nformation about yourself if you are a survivor and any relatives you are searching for. Also, look to see if anyone is searching for you. [Added 11/04/1999]
- The Anne Frank House Illustrated with photographs and quotes from her famous diary the web site tells the story of Anne Frank and the house where she went into hiding.
- Grete Samson - In English and in German, a brief (and previously unpublished) account of the time just before, at and just after capture of a Jewish, German, young woman in Germany in the early1940s. It includes her hiding, actual capture, torture/interrogation and arrival at Auschwitz. [May be slow download] [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Holocaust Links on the Web This site lists over 70 Holocaust links including the US Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., Yad Vashem, A Guide to Hate Groups on the Internet, Holocaust Genocide Project, and the Brest Ghetto Passport Archive: A Searchable Database.
- Wiesenthal Center 36 FAQs about the Holocaust:
List of 36 Questions
Questions 1 - 18 (with answers)
Questions 10 - 29 (with answers)
Questions 30 - 36 (with answers)
- ATale of Then: The response to Holocaust denial on line.
- Nizkor Extensive resources on the Holocaust and contemporary antisemitism.
- . The Brest Archive. The next database will include two lists of victims at Berdichev, which were published in EEJA (December 1995) and in "The Bones of Berdichev" (Simon & Schuster, 1996).
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Directories, Museums and Resources
- Mish Mash - Linking Judaism Worldwide. 15,000+ active links to all things Jewish and growing daily!![Updated 09/23/2000]
- Jewish Mashkof (Portal) - Links to Jewish Web sites. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- HaReshima: The List of Jewish and Israel Sites
- Lycos > Society > Religion > Faiths and Beliefs > Judaism > DirectoriesJewish Directories hand picked by human editors at Lycos. Search engine with many useful features, including sound-alike matches. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- The Mining Company
- Metzia A Jewish Search Directory
- The Jewish Webring A collection of over 250 Jewish web pages which are linked together. This page is part of the Jewish Webring.
- Soc.Culture.Jewish FAQ and Reading Lists This is one of the premier sources of Jewish information. There is also a mirror site available.
- The Liberal Jewish Mailing List
- National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia, a few steps from the Liberty Bell.
- Israel Bible Museum Safed, Isdrael.
- The Ratner Museum Bethesda, MD.
- Jewish Museum of Athens [Added November 14, 1999.]
- Nielsen's Links to Religion Sites Extensive links to many religion related sites - with an emphasis on Religion and Psychology.
- Chicago Jewish Community Online Sponsored by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago. This website provides information about the services, events, and communal organizations that enrich Jewish life in Chicago.
- Chicago Religion and the Spiritual Life
- Jewish Identity - Link Launcher
- Judaism and Jewish Resources
- The A - Z of Jewish & Israel Related Resources
- Jewish on the WELL
- Over Three Hundred Jewish Links
- Gene R. Thursby's Religion, Religions, Religious Studies Page, the premier index of religion related sites.
- YAHOO Society and Culture/Religion/Judaism
- The Maven An extensive, searchable new source of Jewish links.
- Cool Jewish Sites
- The Ultimate Jewish Link Launcher Designed for distribution fo Jewish links.
- The Digital Genizah
- Judaica A collection of links.
- The Open Directory Project ===>Society: Religion and Spirituality: Faiths and Beliefs: Judaism: Directories
- The Heruth Sitemap
- Simcha Source, A Source for Every Simcha - An Internet directory of both local and national vendors, dedicated to serving the needs of Simcha Celebrations and providing Unique Simcha Gifts. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- GOLEM Jewish Hypersearch
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And what Jewish web page would be complete without food listings?
Jewish Recipes
- RFCJ RECIPE ARCHIVE Archives of the rec.food.cuisine.jewish newsgroup. Categories:
Appetizers Beef and Veal and Lamb,? Bread,? Cakes and Pies,? Cholent,? Cookbook_reviews,? Cookies and Pastries,? Deli,? Drinks,? Eggs and Cheese,? Fish,? Fruit,? Hanukkah,? International,? Italian,? Kosher-compliant,? Kugels,? Mediterranean,? Menus,? Other_sweets,? Passover,? Pasta and Grains,? Poultry,? Purim,? Rosh_hashanah,? Salads,? Shavuot,? Snacks,? Soups,? Spices and condiments,? Sukkot,? Tips and Solutions,? Tu_b_shevat,? Vegetables, and Vegetarian.
- Themestream Jewish Kosher Cuisine - Kosher Recipes by Eddy Robey, for Traditional and Modern Menus For hamentashen go to our Literature and Philosophy section.
- All you ever wanted to know about keeping Kosher
- Food
- Kosher Recipies
- The Recipe Archives of the rec.food.cuisine.jewish newsgroup Countless recipes. Also you will find over 200 titles listed in their Jewish cookbook bibliography.
And of course there is food for the soul:
There is a listserver that sends out a weekly email with a discussion of the portion of the week. No fee.
To subscribe, send an email to:listproc@shamash.org The message should be: sub shabbatshalom Lenny Soffer (or whatever your name is).
Return to index
New humor sites will be added in this location. In the meantime scour the other sections of these pages for many gems already here. Over the coming months I will try to move them to this section.
- LIFE IN THE FAST LANE with Polly & Esther Fleagleman. Two Lively Gals Just Looking for Some Fun. This humor page has to be seen to be believed. Enjoy already. Check out the Index for other Fleagleman humor. [Note: This page will attempt to load QuickTime music when you reach it.]
- MidEast Web Humor Pages Maybe not everything can be solved with laughter - but it can't hurt. [Added 10/1/99]
- The Oy Vey!(The not-so-kosher supplement to theTorah!) Humor every day from The Daily Dose. [Added 10/10/99]
- Subscibe to a weekly mailing list of mostly Jewish humor Feival's Funnies
Return to index
Return to index
- Jewish Genealogy Resource The basic resource for Jewish Genealogy.
- The Genealogy Home Page - Jewish Resources - An extensive genealogy site on the web. Genealogy research guides including links to Jewish Sources. It lists links to 1000's of genealogy home pages. Researchers can add their homepage to the list of links for others to see. [added 09/03/2000 ]
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Art and Gifts
The Gropper Windows: Genesis in Glass. A beautiful display and explanation of the magnificent stained glass windows at West Suburban Temple.
- West Suburban Temple Gift Shop The Gift Shop is fully stocked for Hanukkah 5960. We have Menorahs, many different types of Hanukkah candles, candy, draydels, and gifts for young and old. And the shop always has a complete Line of Judaica. Special hours - Phone orders. [Added November 13, 1999.]
- Judaica Online also known as Galerie Robin LLC, Fine Judaica! Established in 1988 as a print catalog and 5 years ago as a website, continues to offer a vast array of attractive, choice quality, and sensibly priced ritual objects, jewelry, and art.
- Chagall Windows in Jerusalem
- Shapiro Gallery.Handmade judaica by Susan M. Shapiro of St. Petersburg, Florida. All items are made of terra cotta clayand are hand built. Susan is famous for her intricate designs and detailed glazing techniques. Includes menorahs, dreidels, mezzuzot, seder plates, Kiddush Cups, Havdalah Sets and more. [Added 01/17/2000]
- Israelism A Jewish Music Store online. All kinds of Israeli and Jewish music plus some other related products. [Added 01/17/2000]
- Chadis Crafts and Kippot - A unique site for hand crocheted kippot for the entire family. Including: over sized Yarmulkahs, bris, Women's headcovers, beaded kippot and more. Handcrafted Judaica, Crafts and Jewelry of polymer clay and Friendly Plastic. Includes directions and links to many projects suitable for: children, teachers, day schools, preschools, Sunday Schools and scouts. Guides and supply sources for parents and teachers. Beadie animals, clay, Jewish Beadie projects, Shabbat, Holiday crafts and more. Homework help, holiday info, fun and games. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Luck and a Blessing mazal u'bracha - At Diamond Exchanges worldwide, all transactions involving the sale of diamonds (rough and polished) are sealed with a handshake and the words "mazal u'bracha. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Judaica For Kids - A Collection of Jewish Educational Toys, Games, Puzzles, Music and Videos, Novelties, Doll House Miniatures, Wooden Paper Dolls, School Tools, and more -- just for kids! [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Judaica Specialties - Offers unique ritual, gift, jewelry and holiday merchandise at discount prices. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Judaism.com's Passover Site Seder plates, haggadot, music or videos. Everything you need for Passover for sale online. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- STAM Torah scrolls, tefillin and mezuzahs Reasonably priced Torahs, tefillin, mezuzahs and megillahs; Family presentations and bar mitzvah programs in Jerusalem, Israel. [Added 01/17/2000]
- Tuvia's Seforim Judaica and Gifts: books, seforim, Judaica, gifts etc. [added 01/17/00]
- Walter Arnold is a magnificent Chicago area sculptor who has his own outstanding home page and has been of infinite help in improving mine. (L.G.) He has created a beautiful series of cast Menorahs in addition to other works ranging from fireplaces to gargoyles of all descriptions.
- Designs by Aliza. The page includes facts about mezuzot, prayers and contact information as well as information about the artist. [Added November 13, 1999]
- Haim Maor Visit the beautiful site of Haim Maor, Israeli artist. [Added November 13, 1999]
- Judaic Greeting Cards Elegant Judaic greeting cards that, featuring the art of Jewish artists throughout the world. [Added November 13, 1999]
- The Big Frameup Judaic Art: Calligraphy, fine art, illuminated texts and more. [Added November 13, 1999]
- Kabbalah CoLabART, the website of artists, Lynn Small & Dennis Paul includes their KABBALAH Series and a contemporary AlephBet. Merging mystical symbols, Jewish culture and 21st-Century technologies, the artwork fuses traditional art and photographic processes with computer manipulation, evoking a powerful sense of spirituality and ritual. updated 8/9/00
- Arthur M. Feldman Gallery A fine selection of antique and handcrafted contemporary Judaica Sabbath candlesticks, spice towers, channukah menorahs and seder plates and more. [Updated 11/14/99]
- Avi Biran, Silversmith Judaica & Fine Arts [Updated 10/1/99]
- DiscountJudaica Online shopping on a great variety of Judaica, Jewish gifts, religious objects, jewelry, mezuzahs, menorahs, Shabbat and holiday items, books, music, fun stuff and more [Added 11/14/99]
- The Israeli Online Shop.You will find here a large range of unique and interesting Israeli products without leaving your home.[Added 11/14/99]
- L'Chaim Gifts Online
- Art Judaica Art Judaica is a virtual gallery of unique Judaic art and traditional symbols. They carry fine art, jewelry, holiday and ritual items. As buyers search throughout the world for unique items and talented artists, selections are always changing. A new artist is featured every three to six weeks.
- Original Judaica Exclusive online distributor of the fine artwork of Kalman Freidus. Lithographs, Originals, Ketubahs.
- Yaakov Greenvurcel - Designer Silversmith. Judaica and silver art.
- Judaica By Allison Calligraphy Hommage Josef Elgurt - This page is a present from friends of this Jewish printmaker from Riga, Latvia, on his 75th birthday. The gallery and biographical data are available in English, Russian, German and Latvian. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- AllThingsJewish We're all things Jewish online. A shopping destination for Jewish art and gifts. The first Judaica registry online. Extensive content for and about Jewish living. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Alef Bet by Paula - This website features descriptions and photos of part of a collection of fine Judaic jewelry. Original manufacturers of the silver Hebrew letter beads. [jewelry] [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Hand painted Kipahs and gift kits
- kipah-kipah - Kipot (kipah, kippah, head-covering, skullcap) for the fashionable Jewish woman. Perfect for synagogue, weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs, and yom tovim. Each is handcrafted and unique. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Jewish Bride . . .and More Gifts for all occasions: Weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, Holidays.
- IsraelShop An on-line source for Jewish books in America, Israel, and around the world. An Amazon.com affilliate.
- Fun Jewish Jewelry - Unique, inexpensive jewelry with fun Jewish themes: hamantaschen, groggers, matzoh and dreidel earrings and necklaces. Many different styles and sizes of Magen Davids to wear. Charm bracelets feature Shabbat symbols including candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, challahs and challah covers. You can even design your own jewelry! One of a kind pieces. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Jewish Mall for your shopping needs.
- Ruth's Jewish Stamps Stamps for all occasions.
- Colors of JerusalemJudaica, gifts, posters, antiques and Jewish art.
- Jewish-American Hall of FameCommerative Coins honoring Jewish Americans. [Added October 10, 1999]
- Israeli Wishes - Products from Israel. Kosher Snacks. Kosher Food. Israeli Snacks and Candy, and other Israeli food. Jerusalem Stone. Books in Hebrew. [Added October 10, 1999]
- Dov Bears. The Dov Bear Company and "bearsmith" Sally Winey are proud to announce the birth of DOV BEAR and the Dov Babies. Both bear lines are unique in that they represent Jewish themes. [Added October 10, 1999]
- Gilai Collectibles - Located in Jerusalem, Israel, the site has a wide range of original, unique items from all over the world. The founder, Dr. Arieh N. Gilai is the chairman of the Israeli Society for Cane Collectors and a worldwide known cane collector. Dr. Gilai holds one of the biggest Canes and Walking Sticks collections in Israel. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Jewish Art Shop - Jewish Israeli Galleries joined together creating a vast collection of Judaica posters, paintings, Mezuzot, Ketubot. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Toby Rosenberg Fine Judaica - Toby Rosenberg, a potter living in Portland, Maine, makes both sculptural pottery and fine Judaica. Lovingly crafted fruit and floral designs from pieces of antique cut-linen, each is trimmed in 24K gold. Her line of judaic pottery offers 27 items in a variety of patterns and colors. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- IsraStore Online - This site has a large selection of art and Judaica made by Israeli artists. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Yenta's Unique Paper Judaica - Jewish party supplies and paper goods... fun and affordable! Most items $6 or less. Unique merchandise. Lots of photos. Items for all Jewish occasions. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Never Have Red Wine Under the Chupah - A book of great tips, hints and ideas that relate to every aspect of the wedding.
- Simcha Source, A Source for Every Simcha - An Internet directory of both local and national vendors, dedicated to serving the needs of Simcha Celebrations and providing Unique Simcha Gifts. [added 09/03/2000 ]
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Literature and Philosophy
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- I have begun collecting a selection of Talmud resources on a separate page. Some of the links below are also listed there. [added 01/17/2000]
- A very helpful introductory definition of the Talmud can be found in a brief passage from the first chapter of The Essential Talmud, Adin Steinsaltz, Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1976. [added 01/17/2000]
- Introduction to Talmud A Project of the Melton Research Center for Jewish Education of the Jewish Theological Seminary [added 01/17/2000]
- Gates to the Talmud Photo of a page of Talmud with descriptions of the sections (various sources and commentary).
www.talmudworld.com/proj/projf.html [added 01/17/2000]
- A Page from the Babylonian Talmud (Interactive) [added 01/17/2000]
- A detailed and useful FAQ on Talmud and Halacha [added 01/17/2000]
- Examining Halacha, Jewish Issues and Secular law [added 1/22/2000]
- FAQ: Torah and Halachic Authority [added 1/22/2000]
- Halacha in Masorti (Liberal) Judaism [added 1/22/2000]
- Doctrine -- Article by Howard Wettstein
University of California, Riverside
Faith and Philosophy 14 no. 4
[added 1/22/2000]
- The Virtual beit Midrash - Email study classes in Torah and Judaism, including Bible, Philosophy, Talmud, and Law, using weekly texts mailed to the students. The classes are on a high level. The site inlcudes extensive archives with hundreds of articles, and a daily short piece of Torah. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Conversion To Judaism - "Introduction to Judaism through the Internet" intended for individuals who live in areas where no rabbis are available. This course could possibly lead to Conversion. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Trust or Consequences A Weblogger's link to an antisemitic article purporting to discuss Jewish Fundamentalism led to this discussion of online responsibility. [added 1/22/2000]
- In the Key of Me - A collection of original Jewish and secular songs and poems to be used by a teacher in a younger classroom setting. (Teacher resouce- Music) [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Jewish Adult Education in Oak Park and River Forest. Information on Adult Studies at West Suburban Temple, Oak Park Temple, and Congregation Shir Ami in Chicago's near western suburbs.
- Stars of David is a New York University student club that seeks to provide a deeper understanding of our ancient Jewish heritage through engaging lectures and interactive peer study programs. Events are free and open to students of all backgrounds. [Added 01/17/2000]
- Perek Yomi Study Guides and more for the United Synagogue's daily Bible study program. [Added 10/3/99]
- Divrei Beit Hillel Here you will find Divrei Torah on the Weekly Parsha written by students at the University of Pennsylvania. [Added 11/14/99]
- Jewish Studies JStudies.org offers the academic community a gateway to many other Jewish Studies sites and tries to answer to the specific needs of scholars. [Note: This site loads a Java application.] [Added 11/14/99]
- Jewish Publication Society Bible Online Several versions of the Bible -In Hebrew and English. A good companion to the Perek Yomi program. [added 10/3/99]
- Hebrew University -Jerusalem
- The NATIV curriculum Details about the USY program for college study in Israel.
- Project Genesis: Torah on the Information Superhighway
- My Dictionary English - Hebrew Online Dictionary. Hebrew fonts are not required.
- Jewish-American History This site is dedicated to 19th Century Jewish-American history, poetry and fiction, polemics and philosophy.
- Jewish Anti-Semitism On line
- The Online Annotated Damascus Gate. Jorn Barger, whose Robot Wisdom Weblog is one of the Web's greatest tools, is conducting an impressive experiment. This work in progress attempts to annotate Robert Stone's powerful novel of modern Israel, Damascus Gate. In the process he is building an amazing resource for study -covering subjects ranging from cabbalah to yekkes, from kipot to bubbe meises. Barger's work is a growing collection of links to many facets of life in contemporary Israel and much more. Look at this site every few days to see the latest additions. Note: Barger's Disclaimer: "All points on the political spectrum will be linked here. Many are extremely extreme." [Added 10/5/99]
- The Shalom Center. The Shalom Center, founded in 1983, brings Jewish spirituality, tradition, and experience to bear on issues of tikkun olam - pursuing peace, seeking justice, healing the earth, and building community. [Added October 10, 1999]
- Walkingstick Retreats Lighting The Story Fires Within -- Shamanic Journeys to the Land of Self. Five-Day Retreats for Personal Nourishment and Empowerment in the Remote foothills of the Nacimiento Mountains in Scenic New Mexico. Finding common roots in the tribal origins of Judaism, Native American and other cultures. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory. For scholars as well as for students this is a prime gateway to quality resources in the field of Jewish Studies. Sections include academic associations, research institutes, university study programs, libraries and archives. The directory also offers access to many online library catalogs and databases. It is part of the WWW Virtual Library and an Academic Info select site.
- Jewish Interactive Studies Offering offers in-depth courses via the Internet free of charge. The classes utilize traditional Jewish sources and are given in a user friendly and interactive manner with personal responses to every question or comment on a lecture.
- Jewish Software - A large selection of Jewish, learning Hebrew, Bible and Talmud software. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Bnos Henya Project Jewish Orthodox Homeschooling - Resources and more for the Jewish Home School Educator.
- Daf Yomi Discussion All over the world, thousands learn the same Daf of Talmud daily
- The Bible Shop
- HebrewSoft Hebrew related software, Hebrewsoft is your one stop shop for all freeware, shareware and shopware hebrew software titles.
- The Judaica Press - A leading publisher and distributor of Jewish books and software. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Hebrew A Living Language
An on line Hebrew course. Click the word and a wav file pronounces it. Interesting use of web technology.
- Mordechai Torczyner's WebShas an index to the Babylonian Talmud.
- Britannica on Talmud and Midrash. An extensive article. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Jewish America Torah / Traditional information, products, and services.
- Shor Yoshuv Institute
Sh'or Yoshuv Institute, located in Far Rockaway, NY, was founded 30 years ago by Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld, with 18 students. Today, the Yeshiva has an enrollment of 150 young men from all over the globe -- Information, Resources, Links
- White Bison Productions - White Bison Productions presents "Jewish Basics - an Introduction to the Synagogue Service." Available on CD and Cassette with accompanying lyric book in Hebrew, English, and transliteration, "Jewish Basics" is a musical journey through the traditional Shabbat liturgy. White Bison Productions also features a comprehensive Q and A style page about the various laws and customs of Shabbat. [added 09/03/2000 ]
There is a listserver that sends out a weekly email with a discussion of the portion of the week. No fee.
To subscribe, send an email to:listproc@shamash.org The message should be: sub shabbatshalom Lenny Soffer (or whatever your name is).
- DAF YOMI Discussion Online Torah discussion.
- The Yarzeit Organization The sponsors of the site say, "Our dedicated staff will say Kaddish Yizkor Psalms Mishnah prayers Yizkor for Yom Kippur, and names Jewish children. Tax deductible Donations go to charity." The site also has informative material regarding, yarzeit, yizkor, psalms and more.
- Hebrew for ME A growing web site for on-line, interactive, Hebrew learning. Hebrew for ME is being developed by and for the Jewish on-line community, using Java technology from ZigZag, Inc. For back-to-school, they have added a new education area called The Learning Post, where you can find out about their cooperative work with the University of Michigan and take a look at some ideas for using Hebrew for ME applets.
- Esoterica and related Materials
- A Kabbalistic Dictionary. Rather a dictionary of terms used in and relating to Kabbalah. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Kerubim Pages on Cherubim. Note these materials are not from Jewish sources, but then there appear to be few Jewish sources on the angels, inspite of extensive Talmudic references. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Apocalyptic Speculation. Note these materials are not from Jewish sources but may be of some value in relation to certain more mystical aspects of the Talmud. See, esp. Hagiga. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Esoterica: The Journal of Esoteric Studies [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Mysticism during the Talmudic Era: Sources [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Eliezer Siegal's Religious Studies 464: Jewish Mysticism. This site includes links to the following materials: Bibliographical Guide to Jewish Mysticism, General Issues in the Study of Jewish Mysticism, Selections from Sefer Yetzirah: "The Book of Creation," Agents Scully and Mulder vs. Sefer Yetzirah, Mysticism during the Talmudic Era: Sources,The Ascent to the Merkabah, From the Bahir to the Zohar, The Zohar (Main topics from Scholem, Major Trends Lecture 6), The Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalah: Image Map guide,"Ten Sefirot" diagram in a cartoon, Avi Katz's drawing from the Jerusalem Report, Lurianic Kabbalah, Sabbatianism and Mystical Heresy,Hasidism, the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic Movement. [added 09/04/2000 ]
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Synagogues and Temples
- Synagogues on Line. A massive list of synagogues throughout the world.
- Or Hadash A Reconstructionist Congregation, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
- Temple Beth Hillel Wilmette, Illinois. This beautiful website was designed by sculptor Walter Arnold
- BSZNet B'nei Shaare Zion Congregation in Brooklyn, building the "Virtual Center of the Worldwide Sephardic Jewish Community." Links and resources as well.
- Temple Sinai Middletown New Jersey. This page has extensive resources.
- Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
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- West Suburban Temple Har Zion in River Forest, Illinois has recently revitalized its single program. Contact the temple officeat 708-366-9000. [Added 01/17/2000]
- JewishMatch A brand new site. The editors say JewishMatch is a lifestyle offering, dedicated to providing its members with specific tools and information needed to make "Jewish single life" healthy, rewarding and fun. JewishMatch.com hopes to l be the leading site devoted to bringing Jewish singles together in a dignified environment and to provide singles with a comfortable global space in which to interact. [Added 10/9/99]
- Free Daing Service for Jewish singles - On-line dating service for Jewish singles. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Neshami Jewish Singles - Jewish singles lifestyle information including matchmaking and dating services, advice from experts, chat rooms, personals, message board and international calendar of events. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Ann Rotmann's Jewish Singles Connection Jewish singles events for South Florida such as dances, picnics, tennis, lectures, dinners and cruises. Includes links to other Jewish signles sites.
- TheJewish Network. This site contains a comprehensive, worldwide list of events for Jewish singles and couples (20s-40s), including Aipac, Aish HaTorah, American Cancer Society, Chabad Lubavitch, Israel Bonds, Israeli dancing, Tsralight, Jewish Community Centers, Jewish Federations, Jewish National Fund, Jewish singles, Kabbalah, Livnot, Mosaic Outdoor Clubs, synagogues, UJA, WIZO and more. The site is organized geographically with links to approximately 40 separate geographical locations in the US and around the world. [Added October 10, 1999]
- World of Jewish Singles
- The Matchmakers All Jewish dating service.
- Jewish Personals
- Ann Rotmann's Jewish Singles Connection Jewish singles events for South Florida such as dances, picnics, tennis, lectures, dinners and cruises. Includes links to other Jewish signles sites.
Return to index
Judaism in its Variety
- The Walkingstick Foundation is a nonprofit tax-exempt Jewish and Native American partnership dedicated to the recovery and preservation of indigenous spirituality. The purpose of Walking Stick Foundation is to:
- provide experiential and educational programs that enrich and empower the individual;
- restore Jewish and other aboriginal teachings and practices that further our sensitivity to and respect for the physical and spiritual gifts of our natural environment, and that offer a quality of connectedness with life that is both nourishing and transformative;
- make accessible these teachings and practices to a wider public through retreats, workshops, and publications; and
- offer support to select groups and individuals whose ideals parallel those of Walking Stick Foundation regardless of religious affiliation so long as there exists an honoring of the validity of other traditions. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Jewish Maven - Enjoy walking tours of the Jewish heritage of New York City: downtown Manhattan, Lower East Side, Chinatown, East Village, Greenwich Village, Yiddith Theatrical District, and Borough Park. Enjoy Jewish talks: Jewwish women who made their marks, Jews who went to war, Jews on the silver screen, and Lower East Side. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- VieJuive, votre communaute sur le Web - Le site du judaisme francophone: Pensee Juive, Cours audio, Monde juif, Actualites, Forum, Un Rabbin vous repond... [In French] [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Bnai Sepharad - Lists Sephardi and Mizrachi organizations worldwide. Page is mirrored at http://bnaisepharad.8m.com/ [added 09/03/2000 ]
- United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula - Web site for the United Jewish Community Center of the Virginia Peninsula in Newport News, Virginia. This site hosts all of the Peninsula's: Temples, Sunday Schools, day schools, preschools, camps and other Jewish organizations. Includes links to Jewish WWW and area sites. (Hampton Roads, Williamsburg and the Peninsula. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- YudelLine One Jew's News and Views -- A Jewish Weblog. [Added 10/1/99]
- Skrivarstu - Judaica - A site from the northernmost Jewish community in the World. Contains a couple of hundred links to other Jewish resources on the web, with an emphasis on Scandinavian Jewry, history, and far-off communities. Other topics include musicology (Jewish musical thought in the Middle Ages), literature, and languages - including a Yiddish-Norwegian dictionary with some 2.000 entries. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Of and About Familial Mediteranean Fever - This page and the links from it relate to Familial Mediteranean Fever (FMF). A general resource on FMF providing a international forum for people with the disease. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- JewishSports.com An online magazine. A variety of information and features about Jews in sports [Added 01/17/2000]
- A Short History of the Jews of Greece Based on the work of Nikos Stavrolakis one of the founders and director of the Jewish Museum in Greece from 1977 until 1993. [Added 11/14/99]
- The Jewish Angle An E-Zine with Edge. It's better than sponge cake. [Added 10/1/ 99]
- The Jewish Music Heritage Trust Dedicated to the celebration, preservation and development of the living heritage of Jewish music for the benefit of all. Upcoming events and more. [Added 10/1/99]
- Kabballah.com Healing through Kabballah and music? [Added 10/1/99]
- The Karaite Corner Karaite Judaism rejects later additions to the Tanach (Jewish Bible) such as the Rabbinic Oral Law and places the ultimate responsibility of interpreting the Bible on each individual. Karaism does not reject Biblical interpretation but rather holds every interpretation up to the same objective scrutiny regardless of its source. [Added 10/1/99]
- Walking Stick Foundation Walking Stick Foundation is a nonprofit tax-exempt Jewish and Native American partnership dedicated to the recovery and preservation of indigenous spirituality.
- The Khazaria Resource Center A Resource for Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine.
- The Conversion to Judaism Home Page . The site provides information and advice to people who wish to convert to Judaism. All movements within Judaism are represented at the site, which includes direct e-mail links to almost 90 Rabbis from all movements.
- Jewish Communties of the World
- Ghetto Ebraico di Venezia - The story of the Jewish Ghetto of Venice.In Italian or English. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- The Jews from Asia
- uJewish--the Online Jewish Community - This website is aimed for adults, teens and kids at large. Health, religion, fashion and food will be addressed from a religious perspective as well as secular. Interact with other people you otherwise won't have the chance to. Try their virtual Shadchan, or offer your child a pen pal from another continent. Exchange Jewish recipes and traditions all in the atmosphere of a Jewish homey lifestyle. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Challenging the Legitimacy of Hatred A timely OpEd article by Rabbi Adin Steinsalz.
- Daniel Fagin's Home Page
- Jewish Warriors The Jew as fighter, as warrior, as hero, a paper by Norman J. Finkelshteyn.
- The Litvish Chassid Torah Bayis An amazingly different set of pages.
- The Haruth Sites [Added 10/1/99]
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Miscellaneous sites
(O.K. Under which heading would you place these pages?)
- Craig 'n Company. A site dedivated to the music of Craig Taubman and Craig 'n Co. Schedule of performances. Order the Friday Night Live Songbook and cassette. [Added 01/17/2000]
- Esther: Soundtrack of the Musical Theater Production - A new theatrical CD based on the biblical book of Esther. This musical is an adaptation from the story of a courageous young Jewish girl who saves her people from destruction during the reign of the mighty Persian kingdom in ancient times. It is presented in an intimate recital setting with singers, piano, and instrumentation. [added 09/03/2000 ]
- Shalom Home Shalom Home, Inc. is a National Relocation Service designed to help individuals and families moving to a new city find just the right homes. Shalom Home offers clients a no cost service, which has generated much enthusiasm across the country. Shalom home is intended to help individuals and families preserve their connections after moving to a new city. It is felt that if people become connected with the community from the beginning, their affiliations will be stronger. Shalom Home helps newly relocated families and individuals find synagogues, kosher food stores and butchers, secular and religious schools, senior activity centers, adult education facilities, community centers, youth organizations and day camps, singles groups, and any other services they may require. [Added 01/17/2000]
- Aesthetics -- Sheitels by Sarah. Products, services, and information on wigs and wig Making. [Added 01/17/2000]
- The Ark. For over three decades the Ark has delivered medical, legal and social welfare and similar services in the Chicago area. [Added November 14, 1999]
- SimchaBands An online source for Jewish Music : "No party too big, no budget too small." [Added November 14, 1999]
- Temple Mysteries Explore the idea that Solomon's Temple was built in the form of a human being. [Added November 14, 1999]
- Judaica City In Judaica Mall you will be able to browse and purchase anything from Jewish books and music to kosher food. Judaica Tours will give you a virtual tour of the holy sites in Israel and many other tours of interest. [Added Sunday, November 14, 1999]
- Chelm.Org Steven Weintraub's collection of Jewish sources and more.
- The Jewish Defense League This site is included for informational purposes only.
- Find local news, information, resources For The Chicagoland Jewish Community, ChatRooms and Message Center and The Jewish Chicago Events Calendar at Jewish Chicago HaMacom.
- Israeli UFO Research
- USA Jewish A daily presentation of news articles from around the Internet, USAJewish.com is a source of information, edited with humor and knowledge by service founder journalist Yori Yanover. [Weblog] [Added 10/1/99 ]
- Jewish South Florida [Added 10/1/99]
- Jewish Youth A resource for everyone who works with Jewish Youth. [Added 10/1/99]
- Jewish travel A worldwide guide to Jewish Travel.[Added 10/1/99]
- Lights In Action "An independent network of Jewish college students who provide creative, substantive and pluralist Jewish education to our peers on campus." [Added 10/1/99]
- JCN18 New Jewish writing and interactive forums.
- JewishMail Free email.
- Personal Reminder Service Free!!
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Broken Links
From time to time I will try to weed broken links from other sections of these pages. I am collecting these links on a special page of Broken Links. If you have information on where these sites have moved or if they are gone forever let me know.
If you find any I have missed please send me a note. I'll try to catch up.
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Reciprocal Links
A number of sites have agreed to provide reciprocal links to our pages. We express our thanks to the sponsors of these sites for their cooperation. If we have inadvertantly missed your page or you know of additional sites that have such links, please let us know.
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Members' Pages
Pages by and about Temple members or their work. We invite Temple members to submit their URLS for inclusion here.
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For information about places of interest in Oak Park and River Forest, and much, much, more visit:
The Oak Park Tourist.
The Gropper Windows:Genesis in Glass. This set of pages celebrates a magnificent series of stained glass windows by controversial artist William Gropper at West Suburban Temple.
West Suburban Temple Har Zion.
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I regret that I can no longer accept requests for additional links for this page. Further, the automated
service for adding related links has been taken off line because of excessive spamming.
Comments or corrections can be sent to Leonard Grossman LG at Lgrossman.com who has his own wholly unrelated pages: Reflections of a ModemJunkie.
Return to the Temple Har Zion page.
Dr. Victor A. Mirelman, Rabbi; Stewart Figa, Cantor; Carol Serber, Administrator; Alicia M. Gejman, Principal.
West Suburban Temple Har Zion, 1040 N. Harlem, River Forest IL 60305 Voice:(708)366-9000 Fax: (708)366-9006, E-mail: wsthz@msn.com

An AOLSearch Editor's Choice page
Updated January 2002
Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2008 Leonard Grossman