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Welcome to Len's Albums. Here you will find a collection of photo albums I have created over the years, mostly of my own photos. In recent years I have used the wonderful freeware application JAlbum to create my albums.
In addition here is a link to some sound files that contain fragments of memory, slices out of my life: Voices from the Past. It includes sounds taken from taken from tapes of my father, mother and myself that were made in 1954 and 1956.
A few days before my 65th birthday in November, 2008, Cindy surprised me with a large dinner party at the Parthenon Restaurant in Chicago's Greek Town. The biggest surprise of the evening was a leather-bound volume containing many of the essays and other non-legal writings I have written over the years. Many of them she captured from my ModemJunkie articles and elesewhere on this website. But she also included well over a dozen other essays and "d'vrei Torah" (mini-sermons on biblical themes) and some other materials. I am working on converting some of the divrei into html. The entire book is online under the name she gave it Extraordinary Words.